Porovnanie vybraného futbalového klubu v Nemecku a na Slovensku
Title Alternative:Comparison of chosen football clubs in Germany and Slovakia
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Cieľom bakalárskej práce je pomocou získaných informácií porovnať a zistiť rozdiely dvoch futbalových klubov. Vybral som nemecký klub FSV Budissa Bautzen a slovenský klub TJ Bánová. Potrebné materiály a informácie som získal od prezidentov oboch klubov. Porovnaním bolo zistené, že kluby svojou organizačnou štruktúrou, veľkosťou, marketingovou činnosťou a štruktúrou rozpočtu sú veľmi odlišné. Práca klubu FSV Budissa Bautzen je kvalitnejšia. Záverečné porovnania obsahujú navrhnuté odporúčania, ktoré by mohli viesť k rozvoju klubov.
Subject of this dissertation is comparison and identification of differences between two football clubs using available information. I have chosen the German club FSV Budissa Bautzen and Slovakian club TJ Bánová. I have obtained the necessary information from both club´s chairmen. Comparison has revealed that organizational structures, size, marketing activities and budget structures of both clubs are very different. The FSV Budissa Bautzen club operation is more advanced. Final comparison includes recommendations which could stimulate further development of both clubs.
Subject of this dissertation is comparison and identification of differences between two football clubs using available information. I have chosen the German club FSV Budissa Bautzen and Slovakian club TJ Bánová. I have obtained the necessary information from both club´s chairmen. Comparison has revealed that organizational structures, size, marketing activities and budget structures of both clubs are very different. The FSV Budissa Bautzen club operation is more advanced. Final comparison includes recommendations which could stimulate further development of both clubs.
katedra: KTV; rozsah: 62 s., 5 s. obr. příloh
porovnanie, futbalovy klub, management, marketing, comparison, football club, management, marketing