Title Alternative:Flóra (sada šperků)
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Bakalářská práce zabývá florání tématikou.Autorka ve své práci chce zdůraznit lasnost, jemnost a křehkost samotných květin. Také zde hraje roli působení barev, neboť celá tato práce je tvořena převážně červenou a dodatečně bílou barvou. Rostliny jsou hlavním materiálem pro vznik této práce. Realizovány jsou šperky buď ze samotných rostlin nebo jejich stylizovaných částí za pomocí odlévání.Vzniklá sada šperků se skládá ze tří materiálových skupin a dohromady tvoří sadu o čtrnácti kusech.Materiálem pro tuto práci se stal kov, plast a květiny.Doplňujícím materiálem je bavlnka, stuha a skleněné perličky.Sada se skládá z pěti náhrdelníků. Každý o jiné velikosti a tvaru. Od drobných až po objemný. Dále z věnečku a koruny k ozdobě hlavy. Kovovou část mají na starost čtyři prsteny, odlité z bronzu. A jako poslední sadu dotváří tři plastové prsteny odlité z pryskyřice.
This bachelor work is based on a floral theme. The authoress wants to highlight brightness, softness and fragility of flowers in this thesis and in this work. Otherwise there is also a kind of colour effect, because whole this work is made mostly of the red and additionaly of the white colour. The plants are basic material of this work. The jewels are made of plants themselves or are made of parts of them and then modified with paint casting.Whole jewelery set consists of three material groups, which makes fourteen single jewels.Basic materials for this work are metal, plastic and flowers. As complemetary parts of it cotton, ribbons and glass beads were chosen .The set consists of five necklaces of different size and shape, from minor to major ones. Also the wreath and crown are parts of the set. The metal part of the work consists of four bronze rings. And finally, the last part of the set are three rings cast of resin.
This bachelor work is based on a floral theme. The authoress wants to highlight brightness, softness and fragility of flowers in this thesis and in this work. Otherwise there is also a kind of colour effect, because whole this work is made mostly of the red and additionaly of the white colour. The plants are basic material of this work. The jewels are made of plants themselves or are made of parts of them and then modified with paint casting.Whole jewelery set consists of three material groups, which makes fourteen single jewels.Basic materials for this work are metal, plastic and flowers. As complemetary parts of it cotton, ribbons and glass beads were chosen .The set consists of five necklaces of different size and shape, from minor to major ones. Also the wreath and crown are parts of the set. The metal part of the work consists of four bronze rings. And finally, the last part of the set are three rings cast of resin.
Flóra, Červená, Barva, Rostlina, Šperk, Flora, Red, Color, Plant, Jewellery