Edukace pacienta s ulcus cruris o kompresivní terapii
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Ulcus cruris je velice časté a závažné onemocnění, u kterého se často zanedbává prevence a následná léčba. Díky tomu jsme bakalářskou práci zaměřily na kompresivní terapii, která je nedílnou součástí léčby ulcus cruris. Pacientů s touto diagnózou neustále přibývá už jenom díky stárnoucí populaci. Čím více budou pacienti vědět o svém onemocnění a o možnosti léčby a prevenci komplikací, tím více mohou přispět k hojení, případně zabránit k recidivě onemocnění. Úloha sestry v edukaci kompresivní terapie je nezbytná. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. Teoretická část se zabývá ulcus cruris, vznikem, léčbou a samozřejmě kompresivní terapií a edukací pacienta s ulcus cruris o kompresivní terapii. Výzkumná část se zabývá informovaností pacientů o ulcus cruris a kompresivní terapií v domovu pro seniory, nemocnici následné péče a v ordinaci praktického lékaře MUDr. Vlastníkové.
Leg ulcers are very common and serious disease in which prevention is often neglected and subsequent treatment. Consequently, we bachelor thesis on compression therapy, which is an integral part of treatment for venous leg ulcers. Patients with this diagnosis is constantly increasing if only because of the aging population. The more patients know about their disease and treatment options, and prevention of complications, the more they can contribute to the healing process or prevent recurrence. The role of nurses in the education of compression therapy is necessary. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with leg ulcers, origin, treatment and compression therapy course and educate patients with leg ulcers by compression therapy. The research deals with patient awareness of leg ulcers and compression therapy in nursing homes, hospital aftercare and general practitioner MD. Vlastníková.
Leg ulcers are very common and serious disease in which prevention is often neglected and subsequent treatment. Consequently, we bachelor thesis on compression therapy, which is an integral part of treatment for venous leg ulcers. Patients with this diagnosis is constantly increasing if only because of the aging population. The more patients know about their disease and treatment options, and prevention of complications, the more they can contribute to the healing process or prevent recurrence. The role of nurses in the education of compression therapy is necessary. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with leg ulcers, origin, treatment and compression therapy course and educate patients with leg ulcers by compression therapy. The research deals with patient awareness of leg ulcers and compression therapy in nursing homes, hospital aftercare and general practitioner MD. Vlastníková.
ulcus cruris, edukace, bandáže, komprese, pacient, všeobecná sestra, ulcus, education, bandages, compression, patient, nurs