Skript pro import 3D dat do programu Blender
Title Alternative:Blender script for importing 3D data
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Cílem předložené práce bylo naprogramovat importní skripty pro vybrané 3D datové formáty do aplikace Blender. Prostředí Blender bylo vybráno na základě rešerše. Práce se věnuje části vývoje aplikace v rámci projektu "Inovace technologie výroby umělých kůží" firmy LENAM s.r.o. Pro import byly vybrány formáty: NASTRAN, IGES a STEP, se kterými bylo třeba se nejprve seznámit. Skripty byly naprogramovány v jazyce Python. K importu IGES a STEP byla využita knihovna pythonOCC. Na závěr proběhlo měření rychlosti importu souborů typu NASTRAN.
Aim of this work was to create importing scripts for chosen 3D data formats to Blender, which was selected on result of a search. This works is a part of project {\crq}Inovation of production technologies for creating imitation leather{\crq} for LENAM s.r.o. Following formats were chosen for import: NASTRAN, IGES and STEP. It was necessary to learn more about them first. Scripts were programmed in Python, which is scripting language in Blender. IGES and STEP files were imported with help of pythonOCC library. There was a NASTRAN importing speed test on the end.
Aim of this work was to create importing scripts for chosen 3D data formats to Blender, which was selected on result of a search. This works is a part of project {\crq}Inovation of production technologies for creating imitation leather{\crq} for LENAM s.r.o. Following formats were chosen for import: NASTRAN, IGES and STEP. It was necessary to learn more about them first. Scripts were programmed in Python, which is scripting language in Blender. IGES and STEP files were imported with help of pythonOCC library. There was a NASTRAN importing speed test on the end.
katedra: NTI; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 39
blender, import, nastran, step, iges, blender, import, nastran, step, iges