Konflikt mezi učiteli a rodiči žáků
Title Alternative:Conflict between Teachers and Pupils´ Parents
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Diplomová práce pojednává o problematice konfliktů mezi učiteli a rodiči žáků.Jsou zde popsány základní pojmy, které jsou s tímto tématem spjaty. V úvodní části práce jsou vymezeny pojmy učitel, rodina, komunikace a konflikt. Konflikt je nejprve popsán v obecné rovině a poté jsou uvedena specifika konfliktu mezi učiteli a rodiči.Rozhovory, které jsou v práci zahrnuty, prezentují pohledy vybraných pedagogů základních škol na toto téma. Cílem práce je podat komplexní přehled informací o konfliktech mezi učiteli a rodiči žáků, zmapovat jejich příčiny, uvést možnosti jejich řešení a předcházení.
This thesis deals with the issue of conflicts between teachers and pupils' parents. Itdescribes the basic concepts that are associated with this topic. The introductory partdefines the terms as teacher, family, communication and conflict. The conflict is firstdescribed in general terms and then are given the specifics of the conflict betweenteachers and parents. The talks, which are included in the work, present views ofselected primary school teachers on this topic. The aim is to give a comprehensiveoverview about the conflicts between teachers and pupils' parents, look for their causesand note the possibilities of their solution and prevention.
This thesis deals with the issue of conflicts between teachers and pupils' parents. Itdescribes the basic concepts that are associated with this topic. The introductory partdefines the terms as teacher, family, communication and conflict. The conflict is firstdescribed in general terms and then are given the specifics of the conflict betweenteachers and parents. The talks, which are included in the work, present views ofselected primary school teachers on this topic. The aim is to give a comprehensiveoverview about the conflicts between teachers and pupils' parents, look for their causesand note the possibilities of their solution and prevention.