Vliv povrchových úprav vlákenné suroviny na vlastnosti lisovaného kompozitního materiálu
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Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou materiálu Propylát? , který se používá pro výrobu kompozitů v automobilovém průmyslu. Důraz je kladen na vlastnosti skleněných vláken, zejména použité povrchové úpravy, které ovlivňují mechanické vlastnosti výsledného kompozitu. V rešeršní části je podrobněji popsána výroba skleněných vláken, jejich vlastnosti a použití, v teoretické části pak vliv úprav na jejich adhezi a mechanické vlastnosti. V experimentální části jsou metodou infračervené analýzy zkoumána jak samotná skleněná vlákna, tak jejich povrchová úprava. Vliv povrchové úpravy na mechanické vlastnosti netkané textilie i lisovaného kompozitu je studován pomocí tahových zkoušek. Dále byl studován vliv zbytkové vlhkosti na vlastnosti kompozitu a také elektrostatický náboj, který výrazně ovlivňuje zpracovatelnost vlákenné vrstvy. Pomocí antistatického prostředku, který nemá vliv na výsledné mechanické vlastnosti kompozitu, bylo dosaženo účinného odstranění náboje. Taktéž byla nastavena receptura vhodná pro aplikaci v provozu.
The thesis contains an analysis of Propylate? material, which is used for the production of composites in automotive industry. The emphasis is put on glass fiber's properties especially on used surface treatments, which influence mechanical properties of the final composite. In the research part the production of glass fibers is described in detail along with their properties and use as well, then in theoretical part the effect of the treatment to the glass fiber's adhesion and mechanical properties. In the experimental part the glass fibers and their surface treatment are examined using infrared spectroscopy. The effect of the surface treatment to the mechanical properties of nonwoven textile and molded composite is observed by tensile testing. Then the influences of residual moisture to the properties of composite were studied and also electrostatic charge, which strongly affects processability of the fiber layer. Using an antistatic agent, which has no effect to the final mechanical properties of the composite, an effective removal of electrostatic charge was reached. A recipe suitable for application in the company's process was matched.
The thesis contains an analysis of Propylate? material, which is used for the production of composites in automotive industry. The emphasis is put on glass fiber's properties especially on used surface treatments, which influence mechanical properties of the final composite. In the research part the production of glass fibers is described in detail along with their properties and use as well, then in theoretical part the effect of the treatment to the glass fiber's adhesion and mechanical properties. In the experimental part the glass fibers and their surface treatment are examined using infrared spectroscopy. The effect of the surface treatment to the mechanical properties of nonwoven textile and molded composite is observed by tensile testing. Then the influences of residual moisture to the properties of composite were studied and also electrostatic charge, which strongly affects processability of the fiber layer. Using an antistatic agent, which has no effect to the final mechanical properties of the composite, an effective removal of electrostatic charge was reached. A recipe suitable for application in the company's process was matched.
kompozit, skleněná vlákna, Propylát?, netkaná textilie, polypropylen, extrakce, infračervená spektroskopie, povrchové úpravy, elektrostatický náboj, antistatické prostředky, tahové vlastnosti plošných textilií, composite, glass fibers, Propylate?, nonwoven textile, polypropylene, extraction, infrared spectroscopy, surface treatments, electrostatic charge, antistatic agents, and tensile properties of fabric