Alkoholismus a jeho vliv na rodinné vztahy
Title Alternative:Alcoholism and its Impact on Family Relationships
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Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá alkoholismem a jeho vlivem na rodinné vztahy. Jejím cílem je charakterizovat alkoholismus a zjistit, jaký dopad má tato nemoc na život rodiny, jejíž členem je rodič alkoholik. Práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou a část empirickou. V teoretické části práce je vymezena problematika alkoholismu, a část empirická v sobě zahrnuje představení kvalitativního výzkumu, který byl proveden pomocí polostrukturovaného interview s abstinujícími alkoholiky.
This bachelor thesis deals with the alcoholism and its impact on family relationships. The aim of this study is to characterize the alcoholism and find out what impact this disease has on familys life, where alcoholic parent is. The thesis is divided to teoretic and empirical part. In the teoretic part the issue of alcoholism is defined, and the empirical part implies presentation of qualitative research, which was carried by semistructured interview with abstaining alcoholics.
This bachelor thesis deals with the alcoholism and its impact on family relationships. The aim of this study is to characterize the alcoholism and find out what impact this disease has on familys life, where alcoholic parent is. The thesis is divided to teoretic and empirical part. In the teoretic part the issue of alcoholism is defined, and the empirical part implies presentation of qualitative research, which was carried by semistructured interview with abstaining alcoholics.