Rozvoj funkcí potřebných k zvládnutí základních školních dovedností ve školní družině
Title Alternative:Development of the Functions Necessary to Master Basic School Skills in After-School Club
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Cílem mé práce bylo vytvořit a realizovat program pro školní družinu s dětmi, které navštěvují první třídu základní školy. Program má za cíl fungovat jako prevence při specifických poruchách učení. Oblastí, na které se při prevenci můžeme zaměřit, je mnoho. Ve své práci jsem se nejvíce soustředila na rozvoj paměti, pozornosti a soustředění, cvičení však byla současně zaměřená i na zrakovou percepci, sluchovou percepci a motorické funkce. Součástí programu jsou různé hry a činnosti, které jsem vybrala na základě odborné literatury či sama vytvořila a které by měly dětem nejlépe pomoci rozvíjet jejich schopnosti právě v oblastech potřebných k zvládnutí základních školních dovedností. Za zvolené metody byly vybrány pozorování, evaluace a analýza dětské činnosti. Pro posouzení a zhodnocení jsem vybrala několik cvičení, která jsem dětem zadala na začátku a na konci programu. Výsledkem mé práce je preventivní program s popsanými cvičeními, která se během mé praxe v družině osvědčila, a na druhé straně popis her, u kterých se ukázalo, že nebyly vhodné.
The aim of bachelor thesis was created and realized the program for a school club with children, who were in first class in a primary school. The program aims to function as a prevention of specific learning disabilities. There are many parts, where we can focus on prevention. In my bachelor thesis I focused on developing memory, attention and concentration, but the exercises were also focused on visual perception, hearing perception and motor functions. Part of the program is the various games and activities, which I chose on the basis of professional literature or created by myself to help children in best develop their skills. I used method as observation, evaluation and analysis of children´s activities. For the assessment and evaluation I chose several exercises that I gave to children at the beginning and at the end of the program. The result of my bachelor thesis is preventive program with described exercises that have proven to be good during my practice in the school club and also some games that have proved to be inappropriate.
The aim of bachelor thesis was created and realized the program for a school club with children, who were in first class in a primary school. The program aims to function as a prevention of specific learning disabilities. There are many parts, where we can focus on prevention. In my bachelor thesis I focused on developing memory, attention and concentration, but the exercises were also focused on visual perception, hearing perception and motor functions. Part of the program is the various games and activities, which I chose on the basis of professional literature or created by myself to help children in best develop their skills. I used method as observation, evaluation and analysis of children´s activities. For the assessment and evaluation I chose several exercises that I gave to children at the beginning and at the end of the program. The result of my bachelor thesis is preventive program with described exercises that have proven to be good during my practice in the school club and also some games that have proved to be inappropriate.