Vliv stárnutí na strukturu a vlastnosti kompozitních SiO2/TiO2 vrstev
Title Alternative:Effect of ageing on the structure and properties of composite SiO2/TiO2 layers
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V rámci této diplomové práce byly naneseny kompozitní SiO2/TiO2 vrstvy na různé typy skel s cílem vytvoření účinné fotokatalytické aktivity na jejich površích. Vrstvy byly podrobeny umělému stárnutí byly opakovaně máčeny ve vodě a následně zamrazovány při teplotě -18 °C, což mělo simulovat expozici vrstev náročným vnějším podmínkám, kterým by byly podrobeny při aplikaci například na omítky budov. Vrstvy byly zkoumány před a po stárnutí pomocí rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie a mikroskopie atomárních sil. Současně byla ověřena jejich fotokatalytická aktivita prostřednictvím antibakteriálních testů. Po expozici vrstev simulovaným podmínkám došlo k morfologickým změnám povrchu a k mírnému poklesu fotokatalytické aktivity.
The aim of this diploma thesis was to prepare composite SiO2/TiO2 layers on surface of various type of glasses for photocatalytic activity on their surfaces. Layers were undergone artificial growing they were immersed water and then frozen in -18 °C cyclically, it simulated exposition of layers to external conditions that there are on the walls of buildings for example. The layers were explored before and after growing by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Simultaneously the photocatalytic activity was measured through antibacterial test. After exposition of layers to external conditions they changed their morphology of surfaces and their photocatalytic activity was decreased.
The aim of this diploma thesis was to prepare composite SiO2/TiO2 layers on surface of various type of glasses for photocatalytic activity on their surfaces. Layers were undergone artificial growing they were immersed water and then frozen in -18 °C cyclically, it simulated exposition of layers to external conditions that there are on the walls of buildings for example. The layers were explored before and after growing by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Simultaneously the photocatalytic activity was measured through antibacterial test. After exposition of layers to external conditions they changed their morphology of surfaces and their photocatalytic activity was decreased.