Vzdělávací oblast Člověk a jeho svět v Montessori pedagogice
Title Alternative:The educational area - a person and his or her World in Montessori pedagogy
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Alternativní školy zažívají po roce 1989 v České republice opět velký rozkvět. Myšlenky jejich koncepce ve vzdělávání se neodmyslitelně promítají i do současné reformy školství. Cílem této práce je tedy zjistit, zda existují rozdíly v úrovni některých klíčových kompetencí a znalostí ve vzdělávací oblasti Člověk a jeho svět u žáků pátých tříd, a to ve školách běžného typu a školách typu Montessori. Kapitoly teoretické části popisují podstatu a principy pedagogiky Marie Montessori a zároveň současnou reformu školství s detailnějším zaměřením na vzdělávací oblast Člověk a jeho svět a klíčové kompetence. V praktické části je prezentován výzkum, který byl proveden na vzorku dvaceti dětí, u nichž byly porovnávány klíčové kompetence k učení a komunikativní a znalosti ve vzdělávací oblasti Člověk a jeho svět. K tomuto účelu byla vytvořena sada úkolů a zpracována metodika jejich vyhodnocení. Výsledky jsou vyhodnoceny v tabulkách a grafech. Práce je zakončena formulací závěrů a doporučeními pro výuku ve vzdělávací oblasti Člověk a jeho svět.
Alternative schools are booming again in the Czech Republic after 1989. The ideas of their education conception are inherently reflected in current reform of the school system. The goal of the thesis is finding out whether there are differences with respect to levels of some key competencies and knowledge in the educational area - a person and his or her World for fifth class pupils in the schools of standard and Montessori type. The chapters of the theoretical part describe the grounds and principles of Marie Montessori´s pedagogy as well as current reform of the school system more deeply focused on the educational area - a person and his or her World and the key competencies. The applied part presents a research made on a sample of twenty children where key learning competences as well as communication and knowledge in the educational area - a person and his or her World were compared. To this end, a set of tasks was prepared and the methodology for their evaluation was processed. The results are evaluated in tables and graphs. The work is concluded by formulation of conclusions and recommendations for education in the educational area - a person and his or her World.
Alternative schools are booming again in the Czech Republic after 1989. The ideas of their education conception are inherently reflected in current reform of the school system. The goal of the thesis is finding out whether there are differences with respect to levels of some key competencies and knowledge in the educational area - a person and his or her World for fifth class pupils in the schools of standard and Montessori type. The chapters of the theoretical part describe the grounds and principles of Marie Montessori´s pedagogy as well as current reform of the school system more deeply focused on the educational area - a person and his or her World and the key competencies. The applied part presents a research made on a sample of twenty children where key learning competences as well as communication and knowledge in the educational area - a person and his or her World were compared. To this end, a set of tasks was prepared and the methodology for their evaluation was processed. The results are evaluated in tables and graphs. The work is concluded by formulation of conclusions and recommendations for education in the educational area - a person and his or her World.
katedra: KPV; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 86 s.
montessori pedagogika, reforma školy, vzdělávací oblast člověk a jeho svět, klíčové kompetence, montessori pedagogy, reform of school system, the educational area - a person and his or her world, key competences