Sexualita osob s mentálním postižením
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Tématem bakalářské práce je sexualita a partnerství lidí s mentálním postižením. Hlavním cílem práce je zjistit, jaké jsou potřeby a možnosti jejich naplňování v oblasti intimity a sexuality u osob s mentálním postižením, žijících v domově pro osoby s mentálním postižením. Na základě hlavního cíle byly stanoveny dílčí cíle. Mezi tyto cíle patří zjistit, jak jsou jedinci s mentálním postižením v domově pro osoby s mentálním postižením edukováni v oblasti sexuality a partnerství a jak vnímají a prožívají svou sexualitu. Dílčím cílem je také zjistit, jak je osobám s mentálním postižením umožňováno naplňovat své sexuální potřeby. Bakalářská práce se skládá ze dvou částí - teoretické a empirické. Teoretická část bakalářské práce je rozdělena na tři kapitoly, které se zaobírají mentálním postižením, sexualitou, sexuální výchovou a partnerstvím. Empirická část práce se věnuje převážně průzkumnému šetření bakalářské práce, které pomohlo odpovědět na stanovené cíle a průzkumné otázky.
The topic of the bachelor's thesis is sexuality and partnership of people with mental disabilities. The main objective of the thesis is to determine the needs and possibilities of fulfilling their intimacy and sexuality in individuals with mental disabilities living in a center for people with mental disabilities. Based on the main objective, sub-objectives were established. These include determining how people with mental disabilities living in a center for people with mental disabilities are educated in the area of sexuality and partnership, as well as how they perceive and experience their sexuality. Another sub-objective is to determine how individuals with mental disabilities are allowed to fulfill their sexual needs. The bachelor's thesis consists of two parts, a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis is divided into three chapters that deal with mental disabilities, sexuality, sexual education, and partnership. The empirical part of the work mainly focuses on the exploratory research of the bachelor's thesis, which helped to answer the set objectives and exploratory questions.
The topic of the bachelor's thesis is sexuality and partnership of people with mental disabilities. The main objective of the thesis is to determine the needs and possibilities of fulfilling their intimacy and sexuality in individuals with mental disabilities living in a center for people with mental disabilities. Based on the main objective, sub-objectives were established. These include determining how people with mental disabilities living in a center for people with mental disabilities are educated in the area of sexuality and partnership, as well as how they perceive and experience their sexuality. Another sub-objective is to determine how individuals with mental disabilities are allowed to fulfill their sexual needs. The bachelor's thesis consists of two parts, a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis is divided into three chapters that deal with mental disabilities, sexuality, sexual education, and partnership. The empirical part of the work mainly focuses on the exploratory research of the bachelor's thesis, which helped to answer the set objectives and exploratory questions.
Intimita, mentální postižení, partnerství, sexualita, sexuální výchova