Politická kariéra Winstona Churchilla
Title Alternative:Political Career of Winston Churchill
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Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá životem významného britského státníka Winstona Churchilla. Cílem práce je zmapovat a popsat jednotlivé etapy jeho života. Stěžejní část práce je věnována jeho činům ve funkci ministerského předsedy Velké Británie. V jednotlivých kapitolách jsou zaznamenávány jeho nejdůležitější aktivity. V práci je kladen důraz na komparaci různých pohledů na Winstona Churchilla a jeho činnost.
The bachelor thesis deals with the life of a prominent British statesman Winston Churchill. The aim of the thesis is to capture and describe the different stages of his life. The main part of the work is devoted to his acts in the position of the Prime Minister of Great Britain. His most important activities are noted in the individual chapters. The emphasis is put on the comparison of various views on Winston Churchill and his work.
The bachelor thesis deals with the life of a prominent British statesman Winston Churchill. The aim of the thesis is to capture and describe the different stages of his life. The main part of the work is devoted to his acts in the position of the Prime Minister of Great Britain. His most important activities are noted in the individual chapters. The emphasis is put on the comparison of various views on Winston Churchill and his work.