Spinning jako volnočasová aktivita
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Práce pojednává o spinningu jako o volnočasové aktivitě. Motivací pro volbu tohoto tématu je trend sedavého zaměstnání a nedostatečná kompenzace formou sportovní pohybové aktivity.Práce sleduje dva cíle. Za prvé prozkoumat podíl času stráveného aktivitou spinning na celkovém volném času mužů a žen. Za druhé posoudit, zda existují statisticky významné rozdíly mezi množstvím volného času u mužů a u žen. Pro výzkum jsme použili dotazování formou ankety a dále standardní metody popisné a matematické statistiky.Z dotazníkového šetření jsme zjistili, že muži mají více volného času než ženy, dále že spinning tvoří zhruba 3 % volného času respondentů.
The thesis deals with spinning as a leisure time activity. Motivation for this topic was increasing trend of sedentary jobs and insufficient compensation using suitable sporting activity. The thesis has two goals. First to investigate share of the time spent by spinning on the total leisure time. Second goal is to investigate if exists statistically significant differences between men and women related to the amount of leisure time.We have chosen poll survey as a method of the research. Standard methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics have been used for evaluation. Results of the survey have shown, that men have higher amount of leisure time than women. Secondly share of the spinning on the total leisure time creates approximately 3 %.
The thesis deals with spinning as a leisure time activity. Motivation for this topic was increasing trend of sedentary jobs and insufficient compensation using suitable sporting activity. The thesis has two goals. First to investigate share of the time spent by spinning on the total leisure time. Second goal is to investigate if exists statistically significant differences between men and women related to the amount of leisure time.We have chosen poll survey as a method of the research. Standard methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics have been used for evaluation. Results of the survey have shown, that men have higher amount of leisure time than women. Secondly share of the spinning on the total leisure time creates approximately 3 %.
Volný čas, spinning, pohybová aktivita, sport, motivace, kondice, lekce spinningu, organizace času, Leisure time, spinning, sport activity, motivation, condition, spinning lesson, time management