Etnické a národnostní minority v ČR
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá bulharskou národnostní menšinou v České republice. Zaměřuje se na česko-bulharské vztahy v minulosti a v této souvislostí také na usazování Bulharů na území dnešní ČR ve 20. století. Práce dále nabízí přehled o současné situaci Bulharů žijících v ČR. Pozornost je rovněž věnována bulharské kultuře, přičemž zmíněny jsou ty aspekty bulharské kultury, jež mají důležitý význam při udržování identity Bulharů v českém hostitelském prostředí, a také bulharským kulturním spolkům a institucím, jež v ČR působí. Nakonec se práce zaměřuje na aspekty identity Bulharů a konstrukci identity příslušníků bulharské menšiny v Čechách pohledem několika autorů a vztahy mezi českou majoritou a bulharskou minoritou.
The bachelor thesis deals with the Bulgarian national minority in the Czech Republic. It focuses on Czech-Bulgarian relations in the past and in this context also on the settlement of Bulgarians in the territory of the present-day Czech Republic in the 20th century. The thesis also offers an overview of the current situation of Bulgarians living in the Czech Republic. Attentiton is also paid to Bulgarian culture, mentioning those aspects of Bulgarian culture that are important in maintaining the identity of Bulgarians in the Czech host environment, as well as Bulgarian cultural societies and institutions that operate in the Czech Republic. Finally, the thesis focuses on aspects of Bulgarian identity and the construction of the identity of Bulgarian minority members in the Czech Republic from the perspective of several authors and relations between the Czech majority and the Bulgarian minority.
The bachelor thesis deals with the Bulgarian national minority in the Czech Republic. It focuses on Czech-Bulgarian relations in the past and in this context also on the settlement of Bulgarians in the territory of the present-day Czech Republic in the 20th century. The thesis also offers an overview of the current situation of Bulgarians living in the Czech Republic. Attentiton is also paid to Bulgarian culture, mentioning those aspects of Bulgarian culture that are important in maintaining the identity of Bulgarians in the Czech host environment, as well as Bulgarian cultural societies and institutions that operate in the Czech Republic. Finally, the thesis focuses on aspects of Bulgarian identity and the construction of the identity of Bulgarian minority members in the Czech Republic from the perspective of several authors and relations between the Czech majority and the Bulgarian minority.
Bulharská menšina, bulharská kultura, bulharské kulturní spolky, česko-bulharské vztahy, identita, integrace