Řízená hydrolýza polyamidových (PA66) nanovláken pro imobilizaci enzymů
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Hydrolyzovaná nanovlákenná vrstva polyamidu 6,6 by pro svůj velký specifický povrch, mechanické, chemické a fyzikální vlastnosti měla být velice dobrým nosičem pro imobilizaci enzymů. Práce se zaměřuje na vytvoření kvalitní nanovlákenné vrstvy polyamidu 6,6 a v druhém kroku na řízenou hydrolýzu této vrstvy s cílem navýšit počet aminoskupin v polymeru. Nanovlákenné vrstvy byly nejdříve zvlákňovány z tyčky pro zjištění optimální konfigurace procesních a materiálových podmínek, k nimž patřily např. použité rozpouštědlo a jeho koncentrace, vlhkost vzduchu, teplota atd. Finální vrstvy byly po zohlednění výsledků experimentů připravovány Nanospidrem a jejich morfologie byla hodnocena pomocí SEM. Řízená hydrolýza byla prováděna pomocí kyseliny chlorovodíkové a zkoumala se při ní závislost změny koncentrace kyseliny, doby hydrolýzy a vliv teploty na změnu počtu aminoskupin ve vrstvě a její morfologii. Vlastnosti hydrolyzovaných vrstev byly vyhodnoceny pomocí FTIR spektroskopie, SEM a spektrofotometrickou metodou pomocí navázání methyloranže pro zjištění počtu aminoskupin ve vrstvě.
The hydrolysed nanofiber layer of polyamide 6,6 should be a very good scaffold for an enzyme immobilization because of its big specific surface area, mechanical, chemical and physical properties. The main goal of this work is to create the quality nanofiber layer of polyamide 6,6 and the second step is controlled hydrolysis of this layer, due to increase the number of amino groups in the polymer Nanofiber layers were electrospun from a stick at first for optimization material and process conditions which are for example the used solvent and its concentration, relative humidity of air, temperature etc. Final layers were prepared, after checking of experimental results, by Nanospider and their morphology was evaluated by SEM. Controlled hydrolysis was done by hydrochloric acid and I researched dependence of a change concentration the acid, time of the hydrolysis and the influence of temperature, on the change the number of amino groups in the layer and its morphology. Properties of hydrolysis layers were evaluated by FTIR spectroscopy, SEM and a spectrophotometric method using a treating with methyl orange for determination the number of amino groups.
The hydrolysed nanofiber layer of polyamide 6,6 should be a very good scaffold for an enzyme immobilization because of its big specific surface area, mechanical, chemical and physical properties. The main goal of this work is to create the quality nanofiber layer of polyamide 6,6 and the second step is controlled hydrolysis of this layer, due to increase the number of amino groups in the polymer Nanofiber layers were electrospun from a stick at first for optimization material and process conditions which are for example the used solvent and its concentration, relative humidity of air, temperature etc. Final layers were prepared, after checking of experimental results, by Nanospider and their morphology was evaluated by SEM. Controlled hydrolysis was done by hydrochloric acid and I researched dependence of a change concentration the acid, time of the hydrolysis and the influence of temperature, on the change the number of amino groups in the layer and its morphology. Properties of hydrolysis layers were evaluated by FTIR spectroscopy, SEM and a spectrophotometric method using a treating with methyl orange for determination the number of amino groups.
nanovlákna PA66, zvlákňování z tyčky, Nanospider, řízená hydrolýza, určení počtu aminoskupin, nanofiber of PA66, electrospinning from the stick, Nanospider, controlled hydrolysis, determination of amino groups