Efekt hudby na pohybovou aktivitu žáků střední školy v tělesné výchově
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Účelem diplomové práce je objasnit, zda má hudba vliv na pohybovou aktivitu žáků střední školy. Pro účely výzkumu byl vytvořen intervenční program, který se skládá ze čtyř programů, a to z basketbalu, florbalu, házené a kruhového tréninku. Jednotlivé programy se uskutečnily dvakrát, jednou bez hudby a jednou s hudbou. Cílem měření byla změna počtu kroků u žáků. Následně proběhlo celkové vyhodnocení získaných dat. Aby výsledky měly vyšší hodnotu, byly statisticky porovnány výsledky jednotlivých testů. Po proběhnutí intervenčního programu bylo provedeno anketní šetření za účelem zjištění celkové spokojenosti žáků s intervenčním programem.
The aim of this thesis is to clarify whether music influences the physical activity of high school students. For the purposes of the research, an intervention program was created, which consists of four parts/activities, namely basketball, floorball, handball, and circuit training. Each activity took place twice, once without music and second time with music. The aim of the research was to evaluate the number of steps each student took during different activities with music and without it. Furthermore, the thesis is dealing with evaluation of the data, which were subjected to statistical analysis, using an appropriate type of statistical test. After the intervention program, a survey was conducted to determine the overall satisfaction of students with the intervention program
The aim of this thesis is to clarify whether music influences the physical activity of high school students. For the purposes of the research, an intervention program was created, which consists of four parts/activities, namely basketball, floorball, handball, and circuit training. Each activity took place twice, once without music and second time with music. The aim of the research was to evaluate the number of steps each student took during different activities with music and without it. Furthermore, the thesis is dealing with evaluation of the data, which were subjected to statistical analysis, using an appropriate type of statistical test. After the intervention program, a survey was conducted to determine the overall satisfaction of students with the intervention program
hudba, muzikoterapie, tělesná výchova, střední škola, intervenční program, music, music therapy, Physical Education, High School, intervention program