Zajištění kvalitní výroby skel
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Náplní této práce je analýza současného stavu managementu kvality ve firmě na výrobu skel. První část je věnována uvedení do problematiky managementu kvality, jeho důležitosti a současnému významu ve světě. Nejprve je seznámení s nástroji využívanými v této oblasti a aspekty, které mohou hrát roli. Dále následuje popis samotné organizace s vlastním poznatky z pozorování. Hned poté je zpracována analýza problému kvality v podniku. Výstupem této práce je návrh řešení, jak zlepšit současnou situaci managementu kvality v podniku.
The content of this work is the analysis of the current state of quality management in the glass manufacturing company. The first part is devoted to the introduction to the issue of quality management, its importance and current importance in the world. Firstly, it introduces the tools used in this field and the aspects that can play a role. Then follows the description of the organization itself with its own observations. Immediately afterwards, an analysis of the quality problem in the company is processed. The output of this work is a proposal of a solution how to improve the current situation of quality management in the company.
The content of this work is the analysis of the current state of quality management in the glass manufacturing company. The first part is devoted to the introduction to the issue of quality management, its importance and current importance in the world. Firstly, it introduces the tools used in this field and the aspects that can play a role. Then follows the description of the organization itself with its own observations. Immediately afterwards, an analysis of the quality problem in the company is processed. The output of this work is a proposal of a solution how to improve the current situation of quality management in the company.
Kvalita, Management kvality, Výroba, Riziko, Údržba, Quality, Quality management, Production, Risk, Maintenance