Vliv energetické krize na konkurenceschopnost výrobního podniku
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Prvním cílem bakalářské práce je provést komplexní strategickou analýzu společnosti XY s důrazem na identifikaci klíčových faktorů ovlivňujících její konkurenceschopnost. Dalším stanoveným cílem je analyzovat vliv energetické krize na konkurenceschopnost společnosti XY. A posledním cílem je navrhnout a ekonomicky zhodnotit doporučení pro společnost XY pro snížení nákladů za energie. První kapitola vysvětluje pojmy konkurenceschopnost a konkurence s hlavním důrazem na konkurenční výhodu a konkurenční prostředí. Druhá kapitola vymezuje pojem strategická analýza. Ve třetí kapitole autor rozebírá charakteristiku společnosti XY a její situaci před a v průběhu energetické krize. Čtvrtá kapitola práce se zabývá dopady energetické krize na vybranou společnost XY. A v poslední kapitole bakalářské práce autor zhodnocuje vybraná opatření, která společnost zavádí a dále navrhuje doporučení pro snížení spotřeby energie.
The first objective of the bachelor thesis is to conduct a comprehensive strategic analysis of company XY with an emphasis on the identification of key factors affecting its competitiveness. Another stated objective is to analyse the impact of the energy crisis on the competitiveness of XY. And the last objective is to propose and economically evaluate recommendations for company XY to reduce energy costs. The first chapter explains the concepts of competitiveness and competition with the main emphasis on competitive advantage and competitive environment. The second chapter defines the concept of strategic analysis. In the third chapter the author discusses the characteristics of company XY and its situation before and during the energy crisis. The fourth chapter of the thesis deals with the impact of the energy crisis on the selected company XY. And in the last chapter of the thesis, the author evaluates the selected measures implemented by the company and proposes recommendations for reducing energy consumption.
The first objective of the bachelor thesis is to conduct a comprehensive strategic analysis of company XY with an emphasis on the identification of key factors affecting its competitiveness. Another stated objective is to analyse the impact of the energy crisis on the competitiveness of XY. And the last objective is to propose and economically evaluate recommendations for company XY to reduce energy costs. The first chapter explains the concepts of competitiveness and competition with the main emphasis on competitive advantage and competitive environment. The second chapter defines the concept of strategic analysis. In the third chapter the author discusses the characteristics of company XY and its situation before and during the energy crisis. The fourth chapter of the thesis deals with the impact of the energy crisis on the selected company XY. And in the last chapter of the thesis, the author evaluates the selected measures implemented by the company and proposes recommendations for reducing energy consumption.
Efektivita, energie, energetická krize, konkurenceschopnost, spotřeba, udržitelnost