Forma a funkce na zahrádkářských koloniích v průběhu let
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá proměnami v zahrádkářských osadách v kontextu historie, sociologie a environmetálního jednání, které konfrontuje s vývojem a potřebami lidského jedince. Práce zkoumá funkce prostoru, který se nachází na pomezí veřejného a soukromého. Cílem je poukázat na novou formu, která by odpovídala institucionálním aspektům a současnému opětovnému zájmu o rekreaci formou aktivního odpočinku.
The bachelor thesis deals with changes in allotment gardens in the context of history, sociology and environmental processing, which confronts with the development and needs of the human individual. The thesis examines the function of space, which is located on the border of public and private. The aim of this work is to provide a new form that would correspond to the institutional aspects and the current renewed interest in recreation in the form of active rest
The bachelor thesis deals with changes in allotment gardens in the context of history, sociology and environmental processing, which confronts with the development and needs of the human individual. The thesis examines the function of space, which is located on the border of public and private. The aim of this work is to provide a new form that would correspond to the institutional aspects and the current renewed interest in recreation in the form of active rest
Zahrádkářská kolonie, osada, zahrada, prostor, forma, funkce, rekreace, recyklace, Gardening colony, settlement, garden, space, form, function, recreation, recycling