Církevní komunitní centrum v Teplicích
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Projekt se zabývá návrhem církevního a komunitního centra pro Církev Adventistů Sedmého Dne. Má vzniknout objekt, jehož sakrální prostor bude vhodný pro bohoslužby jak adventistů tak jiných protestantských denominací. Zároveň poskytne civilní prostor pro skautské schůzky, koncerty, workshopy nebo přednášky a jiné komunitu tvořící aktivity.
The project deals with the design of a church and community center for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This object is to be created whose sacral space will be suitable for the services of both Adventists and other Protestant denominations. At the same time, it will provide a civilian space for scout meetings, concerts, workshops or lectures and other community creating events.
The project deals with the design of a church and community center for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This object is to be created whose sacral space will be suitable for the services of both Adventists and other Protestant denominations. At the same time, it will provide a civilian space for scout meetings, concerts, workshops or lectures and other community creating events.
kostel, sakrální architektura, komunitní centrum, Teplice, church, sacral architecture, community center, Teplice