Zvládání stresu u studentů tělovýchovně-sportovních oborů na FP TU v Liberci

Bakalarska prace Zvladani stresu u studentu telovychovne-sportovnich oboru na fakulte prirodovedne-humanitni a pedagogicke Technicke univerzity vLiberci se zabyva problematikou stresu. Na zaklade poznatku ziskanych z odborne literatury vymezuje pojem stres, projevy stresu a dopad na fyzicke a psychicke zdravi cloveka. Dale je analyzovan stres u vysokoskolskych studentu. Cilem prace je navrhnout preventivni opatreni proti stresu pri studiu pro studenty oboru telesna vychova a sport. Doporuceni vzniklo na zaklade anketniho setreni, kde byly zjisteny stresory, ktere na studenty pusobi. Z pruzkumu vyplynulo, ze jednoznacnym stresorem je zkouseni a prevenci vcasne plneni ukolu. Anketni setreni se uskutecnilo v dubnu 2018 a zucastnilo se ho 60 respondentu z oboru Rekreologie a Telesna vychova se zamerenim na vzdelavani. Nasledne predklada navrh preventivnich opatreni, v oblastech fyzickeho, psychickeho a socialniho rozvoje.
This bachelor thesis concerns the problems of dealing with the stress of students studying physical training and sports on FP TUL in Liberec. As a piece of knowledge based on technical literature, the terms like stress, stressor, positive and negative stress and the impact on man's health are described. Next, the stress of university students is analyzed. The goal of this thesis is to make a suggestion for students as a preventive precaution against stress. This suggestion was based on the poll, where the stressors which affect students were found out. From this research, the outcome was, that the biggest stressor is an examination, and prevention is completing tasks in time. The poll made in April 2018 had 60 respondents from students of recreology and physical training in education. Consequently, it assumes the suggestion of preventive procedures divided into three parts - physical, psychical and social growth.
stres, stresova situace, prevence stresu, pozitivni stres, negativni stres, Technicka univerzita v Liberci, stress, stress situation, prevention against stress, positive stress, negative stress, Technical University in Liberec