Emigrace - přínos nebo ztráta?
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Téma emigrace je zpracováváno různými badateli z různých hledisek, ať už jako celek
rozdělený do několika emigračních vln, se zaměřením na jednotlivá období, nebo ze
specifických odborných hledisek. Práce Hany Sekerové se bude zabývat emigrací
(vystěhovalectvím) z více úhlů pohledu: z pohledu jednotlivce, který opusNl svou zemi,
ať už z osobních, poliNckých nebo ekonomických důvodů, dále také z pohledu
hosNtelské země a země původní. Bude se zabývat skutečnostmi, které jednotlivce
k emigraci vedly, pracovat se staNsNkou, literaturou a zejména pak s osobními
zkušenostmi jednotlivců, kteří emigrovali. Celkově by pak práce měla zhodnoNt míru
přínosu emigrace pro jednotlivce a pro společnost v kontextu historických událosS.
The topic of emigraNon has been elaborated on by various researchers from different points of view, either as a whole divided into several emigraNon waves, with a focus on individual periods, or from specific professional points of view. Hana Sekerova?s work concerns emigraNon looked at from several points of view: the view of the individuals who le^ their country, whether for personal, poliNcal or economic reasons; the views of the host country and the country of origin are also elaborated on. The work deals with the facts that had led individuals to emigrate working with staNsNcs, literature and especially with the personal experiences of individuals who emigrated. As a whole the work evaluates the degree of benefits of emigraNon for individuals and for society in the context of historical events.
The topic of emigraNon has been elaborated on by various researchers from different points of view, either as a whole divided into several emigraNon waves, with a focus on individual periods, or from specific professional points of view. Hana Sekerova?s work concerns emigraNon looked at from several points of view: the view of the individuals who le^ their country, whether for personal, poliNcal or economic reasons; the views of the host country and the country of origin are also elaborated on. The work deals with the facts that had led individuals to emigrate working with staNsNcs, literature and especially with the personal experiences of individuals who emigrated. As a whole the work evaluates the degree of benefits of emigraNon for individuals and for society in the context of historical events.
Československo, vystěhovalectví, emigrace, exil, poliNcká emigrace, Pražské jaro 68, srpen 1968, listopad 1989, sovětský blok.