Implementace konfigurovatelného simulátoru železničního provozu
Title Alternative:Implementation of configuration railway traffic simulator
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Práce se zabývá tvorbou funkcní simulace železnicního provozu s možností konfigurace rízené oblasti i jízdního rádu. Cílem práce byla tvorba pocítacových aplikací, které dokážou v reálném case simulovat rízení provozu železnicní stanice nebo skupiny stanic a umožnují tvorbu a úpravu rízených stanic a jízdních rádu. Výsledkem práce je trojice pocítacových programu, z nichž jeden byl vytvoren jako zcela nový a pro tvorbu zbývajících dvou byly použity existující aplikace, která byly pro potreby práce prepracovány. Písemná zpráva popisuje systémy zabezpecovacích zarízení používaných na našich tratích, porovnává existující ceské simulátory železnicního provozu. Soucástí je také postup tvorby programu a strucný návod pro jejich uživatele.
The work engages in creation of function simulation of railway traffic with possibility of configuration controlled area and timetable. The aim of work was creation of computer applications which can simulate traffic control in one or a few railway station in real time and make possible creation or modification controlled stations and timetables. Three-ply computer programs are produce of work. One of them is create as new program and for next two was used existing applications which were remade for needs of work. Written analysis describes to systems of interlocking plants used on Czech lines and compares existing Czech simulators of railway traffic. Technique of programs creation and simple instruction for users of programs are constituent too.
The work engages in creation of function simulation of railway traffic with possibility of configuration controlled area and timetable. The aim of work was creation of computer applications which can simulate traffic control in one or a few railway station in real time and make possible creation or modification controlled stations and timetables. Three-ply computer programs are produce of work. One of them is create as new program and for next two was used existing applications which were remade for needs of work. Written analysis describes to systems of interlocking plants used on Czech lines and compares existing Czech simulators of railway traffic. Technique of programs creation and simple instruction for users of programs are constituent too.
katedra: MTI; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 59
železnice, simulace, software, zabezpecovací zarízení, railway, simulation, software, interlocking plant