Bydlení u Chrudimky
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Nová čtvrť, která se rozprostírá v místě bývalého vojenského prostoru, je propojením mezi sídlištěm z 50. a 60. let a přírodním parkem na druhém břehu Chrudimky. Nové ulice navazují na stávající uliční síť, vybíhající ze sídliště. Podél rušné třídy S. K. Neumanna stojí pětipodlažní budovy, které definují ulici a zároveň tvoří pevnou bariéru mezi rušnou ulicí a klidnou obytnou částí. Směrem k řece Chrudimce klesá výška zástavby až na dvoupodlažní, bloková zástavba se rozpadá v solitérní bytové domy. Také se proměňuje míra přístupnosti vnitrobloků. Nejblíže k třídě S. K. Neumanna se nachází veřejně přístupné dvory, dále jsou dvory polosoukromé se soukromými zahradami, nejdále rodinné řadové domy se soukromými zahradami a solitérní bytové domy. V nové čtvrti u Chrudimky se nachází škola, mateřská škola a lesní školka. Návrh počítá s prostory pro služby a obchody. Za měkkou hranicí tvořenou zelení, mezi zastavěnou a nezastavěnou částí, leží park s možností rekreace i sportovního vyžití. Atraktivita místa spočívá ve snadné dostupnosti centra města, lokálního centra na sídlišti, i v blízkosti řeky Chrudimky a přiléhajícího přírodního parku. Nelze také opomenout sousedství s městským hřbitovem, kterému vévodí krematorium od architekta Pavla Janáka.
The new district covers the area of a former military complex and it links a housing estate built in the 50s and 60s with a park around the Chrudimka river. New streets follow the existing network of streets in the housing estate. Alongside the boulevard of S.K.Neumann there are five floor buildings that create a barrier between the busy street and a much calmer residential area. In the direction to the river, the buildings gradually lose their height up to two floor buildings and single houses. The level of accessibility of the courtyards vary in this area: in the closest proximity to the S.K.Neumann boulevard there are publicly accessible yards, then partly private yards and the furthest form the boulevard there are row houses with private gardens. In the new housing estate by the Chrudimka river there is a school, kindergarten and forest kindergarten. This project also accounts for service area. There is a soft green area, between the built-up and unbuilt area, where one can find park offering sites for sport activities. The whole area is an attractive space for its close proximity to the city center, the center of this housing estate and also to the Chrudimka river and the nearby natural park. One cannot omit also the locality of the city cemetery with an iconic crematory by Pavel Janák.
The new district covers the area of a former military complex and it links a housing estate built in the 50s and 60s with a park around the Chrudimka river. New streets follow the existing network of streets in the housing estate. Alongside the boulevard of S.K.Neumann there are five floor buildings that create a barrier between the busy street and a much calmer residential area. In the direction to the river, the buildings gradually lose their height up to two floor buildings and single houses. The level of accessibility of the courtyards vary in this area: in the closest proximity to the S.K.Neumann boulevard there are publicly accessible yards, then partly private yards and the furthest form the boulevard there are row houses with private gardens. In the new housing estate by the Chrudimka river there is a school, kindergarten and forest kindergarten. This project also accounts for service area. There is a soft green area, between the built-up and unbuilt area, where one can find park offering sites for sport activities. The whole area is an attractive space for its close proximity to the city center, the center of this housing estate and also to the Chrudimka river and the nearby natural park. One cannot omit also the locality of the city cemetery with an iconic crematory by Pavel Janák.
Pardubice, urbanismus, vnitroblok, veřejný prostor, park, řeka, obytná čtvrť, Pardubice, urbanism, courtyard, public space, park, river, residential area