Oděv inspirovaný technikou bondage
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Téma této bakalářské práce: oděv inspirovaný technikou bondage je dnes velmi aktuální, vzhledem k tomu, že umění, které se nazývá bondage se hodně rozvíjí a nabírá na popularitě. Hlavní myšlenkou této práce byla integrace techniky bondage do moderního oděvu. Tyto nápady vedly k vytvoření dámské oděvní kolekce, která spojuje různé druhy lan a materiálů.Práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část dopodrobna popisuje rozvoj a klasifikaci bondage. Dále je zde popsáno propojení techniky bondage s uměním. V praktické časti je uvedený postup realizace od inspiračního zdroje po fotodokumentaci. Výsledné oděvy jsou zdokumentovány technickými nákresy, skicami a fotodokumentací.
The topic of this bachelor thesis: clothing inspired by bondage technique. In the modern world this direction of art gains more and more popularity in certain sections of society. The main goal of this work was the integration this technique in modern clothes.The thesis is divided into two parts on theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part it is in detail described historical development and classification of bondage as well as the connection between bondage and art. In the practical part the process of implementation is described starting from a source of inspiration and finishing with photo documentation. The finished collection of clothes is documented by technical sketches, fashion illustrations and photos.
The topic of this bachelor thesis: clothing inspired by bondage technique. In the modern world this direction of art gains more and more popularity in certain sections of society. The main goal of this work was the integration this technique in modern clothes.The thesis is divided into two parts on theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part it is in detail described historical development and classification of bondage as well as the connection between bondage and art. In the practical part the process of implementation is described starting from a source of inspiration and finishing with photo documentation. The finished collection of clothes is documented by technical sketches, fashion illustrations and photos.
Bondage, shibari, kinbaku, hojojutsu, lana, Bondage, shibari, kinbaku, hojojutsu, ropes