Zdislava z Lemberka jako postava děl krásné literatury
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Tato bakalářská práce zpracovává vybraná beletristická díla, jež popisují život sv. Zdislavy z Lemberka jakožto jejich postavy. Práce se skládá ze tří částí. První část se věnuje postavě Zdislavy z Lemberka, jejímu životu, Jablonnému v Podještědí a hradu Lemberku. Druhá část se soustředí na bližší analýzu pěti děl, v nichž je Zdislava protagonistkou či v nich vystupuje jako postava.Třetí část se zaměřuje na místa, která se ve vybraných titulech vyskytují, přičemž je věnována pozornost i jejich dnešní podobě, jež je doložena autorskými fotografiemi.
This thesis compiles chosen titles of fiction literature that use the life and persona of st. Zdislava z Lemberka as their main character and motif. The thesis consists of three main parts. The first part describes the life of Zdislava z Lemberka, history of Jablonné v Podještědí and the castle Lemberk. The second part consists of five chosen titles that underwent a closer analysis that used quotations to demonstrate the author´s view of the life of st. Zdislava z Lemberka as the protagonist of the titles. The third part focuses on the geographical locations mentioned in the previously chosen titles, where it has been photo documented how those places had looked like in the day of this work's creation.
This thesis compiles chosen titles of fiction literature that use the life and persona of st. Zdislava z Lemberka as their main character and motif. The thesis consists of three main parts. The first part describes the life of Zdislava z Lemberka, history of Jablonné v Podještědí and the castle Lemberk. The second part consists of five chosen titles that underwent a closer analysis that used quotations to demonstrate the author´s view of the life of st. Zdislava z Lemberka as the protagonist of the titles. The third part focuses on the geographical locations mentioned in the previously chosen titles, where it has been photo documented how those places had looked like in the day of this work's creation.
Zdislava z Lemberka, Jablonné v Podještědí, Lemberk, regionální literatura, Zdislava z Lemberka, Jablonné v Podještědí, Lemberk, regional literature