Edukační pavilon rostlin
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Nosnou myšlenkou mého návrhu je umožnit lidem nestandartní úhel pohledu. Neomezuji se pouze na pohled v jedné úrovni, ale nabízím možnost prozkoumat všechny rostliny detailně, v různých výškách a z více možných perspektiv. Pavilon rostlin je připraven nejen na vzdělávání místních učňů - zahradníků, ale i studentů základních a středních škol, nebo široké veřejnosti. Doprovodný program může probíhat formou exkurzí, přednášek, workshopů, laboratorníchcvičení a výstav.Na stavbu jsou využity moderní technologie s důrazem na udžitelnost umožňující její dlouhou trvanlivost bez větších zásahů. Projekt nevyužívá celý volný pozemek školy, čímž je umožněn jeho budoucí rozvoj.
The main idea of my design is to enable visitors a new and unique perspective of the different views of the pavilion. Because I am not focusing only on one view, which is enabling visitors to explore the flora in more detail from different angles and heights.The use of the botanical pavilion is not only for educating local apprentice gardeners but also for students of grammar schools and high schools and even for the general public. There are also included accompanying activities such as excursions, lectures, workshops, lab exercises, or exhibitions.The building is made with modern technologies and materials with an emphasis on sustainability and time durability. My design is not using the whole building site of the school, which enables possible future development of the building.
The main idea of my design is to enable visitors a new and unique perspective of the different views of the pavilion. Because I am not focusing only on one view, which is enabling visitors to explore the flora in more detail from different angles and heights.The use of the botanical pavilion is not only for educating local apprentice gardeners but also for students of grammar schools and high schools and even for the general public. There are also included accompanying activities such as excursions, lectures, workshops, lab exercises, or exhibitions.The building is made with modern technologies and materials with an emphasis on sustainability and time durability. My design is not using the whole building site of the school, which enables possible future development of the building.
rostliny, pavilon, botanika, architektura, botanická zahrada, edukace, edukační pavilon rostlin, plants, pavilion, botanical, architecture, botanical garden, education, educational botanical pavilion