Tvarová analýza oděvu z hlediska proporcí
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Tato práce, jak je z názvu patrné, pojednává o siluetě, formě oděvu a o jejich vývoji. Zaměřuje se především na dvě velké ikony módního průmyslu - Coco Chanel a Christian Dior. Zabývá se rovněž jejich konfrontací zejména v období 50. a 60. let 20. století. V práci je rovněž rozebrán význam jednotlivých částí těla v souvislosti s oděvem. Za účelem vytvoření návrhu siluety oděvu, kde je zastoupena linie zlatého řezu, jsem zhotovila analýzu různých postav. Návrh je rozebrán a vyhodnocen zejména z estetického a proporčního hlediska. V závěru práce je pak zodpovězena otázka, zda je zlatý řez v módním designu opravdu důležitým prvkem či nikoli.
This work, as the title implies, deals with a silhouette, a dress form and their development. It is mainly focused on two large icons of the fashion industry - Coco Chanel and Christian Dior. The thesis also concerns with their confrontation especially during the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. The importance of body parts in relation to clothing is also examined in this work. I have made an analysis of different figures in order to create a silhouette design in which the line of the golden section is represented. The designs were then evaluated from an aesthetic and proportional point of view. Finally, the conclusion of this work provides an answer to a question whether the golden section is really an important fashion design element or not.
This work, as the title implies, deals with a silhouette, a dress form and their development. It is mainly focused on two large icons of the fashion industry - Coco Chanel and Christian Dior. The thesis also concerns with their confrontation especially during the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. The importance of body parts in relation to clothing is also examined in this work. I have made an analysis of different figures in order to create a silhouette design in which the line of the golden section is represented. The designs were then evaluated from an aesthetic and proportional point of view. Finally, the conclusion of this work provides an answer to a question whether the golden section is really an important fashion design element or not.
Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, forma, oděv, proporce, silueta, zlatý řez, Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, form, proportions, silhouette, golde section