Udržitelný reporting v České republice
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Tato diplomová práce se zabývá tématem zasahujícím do širokého okruhu podnikatelských subjektů, a to problematikou udržitelného reportingu v České republice. Udržitelný reporting je klíčovým nástrojem pro transparentní sdílení informací o environmentálním, sociálním a ekonomickém dopadu podnikání na společnost a životní prostředí. Cílem této práce je zkoumat aktuální přístupy k udržitelnému reportingu v České republice, analyzovat aktuální cíle udržitelného rozvoje. Práce se zaměřuje na detailní popis významu nefinančního reportingu a uvádí jednotlivé kroky při implementaci ESG reportu do firemní kultury. Na základě získaných poznatků je navržena podoba nefinančního reportu pro zvolenou firmu působící v českém podnikatelském prostředí. V poslední kapitole jsou uvedeny poznatky a doporučení pro zlepšení udržitelného reportingu.
This thesis deals with a topic affecting a wide range of business entities, namely the issue of sustainable reporting in the Czech Republic. Sustainable reporting is a key tool for transparent sharing of information about the environmental, social and economic impact of business on society and the environment. The aim of this thesis is to examine current approaches to sustainable reporting in the Czech Republic, and to analyse the current Sustainable Development Goals. The thesis focuses on detailing the importance of non-financial reporting and outlines the steps involved in implementing ESG reporting into a corporate culture. On the basis of the obtained knowledge, the form of non-financial reporting is proposed for a selected company operating in the Czech business environment. The last chapter presents the findings and recommendations for improving sustainable reporting.
This thesis deals with a topic affecting a wide range of business entities, namely the issue of sustainable reporting in the Czech Republic. Sustainable reporting is a key tool for transparent sharing of information about the environmental, social and economic impact of business on society and the environment. The aim of this thesis is to examine current approaches to sustainable reporting in the Czech Republic, and to analyse the current Sustainable Development Goals. The thesis focuses on detailing the importance of non-financial reporting and outlines the steps involved in implementing ESG reporting into a corporate culture. On the basis of the obtained knowledge, the form of non-financial reporting is proposed for a selected company operating in the Czech business environment. The last chapter presents the findings and recommendations for improving sustainable reporting.
Udržitelný reporting, nefinanční reporting, ESG, udržitelnost, uhlíková stopa, kalkulace uhlíkové stopy