Funkcionalizace nanovlákenných struktur katecholaminy
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Diplomová práca sa zaoberá témou nanášania povlakov na báze katecholamínov za
účelom funkcionalizácie nanovlákenných materiálov. Daná metóda má mnoho spôsobov
prevedenia a rôznorodých potenciálnych aplikácií. Prvá časť je venovaná opisu
mechanizmov ukotvenia jednotlivých štruktúr na povrchoch rôznorodých substrátov.
Následne sú tieto poznatky doplnené konkrétnymi príkladmi aplikácii z vedeckej praxe
so zámerom zjednotiť zistenia o polymerizácii katecholamínov predovšetkým dopamínu.
Druhá časť práce opisuje spôsoby výroby materiálov s uplatnením polydopamínu ako
funkčnej zložky. Na záver sú uvedené niektoré trendy v oblasti výskumu a možné
alternatívy aplikovania polydopamínových vrstiev v podobe návrhov ďalších
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of applying coatings based on catecholamines for the purpose of functionalizing nanofibrous materials. This method has many implementations and diverse potential applications. The first part is devoted to the description of the anchoring mechanisms of individual structures on the surfaces of various substrates. Subsequently, this knowledge is supplemented with specific examples of applications from scientific practice with the intention of unifying the findings on the polymerization of catecholamines, especially dopamine. The second part of the thesis describes the methods of producing materials using polydopamine as a functional component. At the end, some research trends and possible alternatives for applying polydopamine layers are presented in the form of proposals for further experiments.
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of applying coatings based on catecholamines for the purpose of functionalizing nanofibrous materials. This method has many implementations and diverse potential applications. The first part is devoted to the description of the anchoring mechanisms of individual structures on the surfaces of various substrates. Subsequently, this knowledge is supplemented with specific examples of applications from scientific practice with the intention of unifying the findings on the polymerization of catecholamines, especially dopamine. The second part of the thesis describes the methods of producing materials using polydopamine as a functional component. At the end, some research trends and possible alternatives for applying polydopamine layers are presented in the form of proposals for further experiments.
katecholamíny, funkcionalizácia, polydopamín, nanovlákna, povlakovanie