Aplikace nanotechnologií v ochraně a sanaci životního prostředí
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Ochrana a sanace životního prostředí je v současné době velice intenzivně zkoumanou problematikou snad ve všech vyspělých zemích světa. Výzkumy se, kromě popisu konkrétních problémů a hledání vztahů a souvislostí mezi nimi, zaměřují také na metody či způsoby, kterými by bylo možné rychle se zhoršující stav životního prostředí buď úplně napravit nebo ho alespoň zpomalit. S přihlédnutím k současným trendům v oblastech výzkumu a vývoje na poli nanotechnologií je jednoznačně smysluplné zaměřit se na hledání způsobů využití nově vzniklých nanočástic a nanomateriálů při pokusech o úplnou nebo alespoň částečnou nápravu stavu životního prostředí. Práce je vyhotovena formou podrobné literární rešerše dostupných tuzemských a zahraničních zdrojů. V závěru jsou shrnuty silné a slabé stránky různých způsobů použití nanotechnologií v oblasti ochrany a sanace životního prostředí.
Environmental protection and sanitation are topics that are being very thoroughly researched by almost every developed country in the present day. The research focuses not only on describing the problems and finding various relations among them but also on finding novel methods and ways of completely reverting or at least mitigating the rapid decline in the quality of the environment. Taking a closer look at the areas of research and development in the field of nanotechnologies it is becoming obvious that one should focus on finding new ways in which novel nanoparticles and nanomaterials could be used in efforts to completely or at least partially remove pollutants from the environment. This thesis was written mainly by means of analysing and compiling both domestic and foreign scientific articles on said topics. In its conclusion the thesis lists both positive and negative aspects of using nanotechnologies for environmental protection and sanitation.
Environmental protection and sanitation are topics that are being very thoroughly researched by almost every developed country in the present day. The research focuses not only on describing the problems and finding various relations among them but also on finding novel methods and ways of completely reverting or at least mitigating the rapid decline in the quality of the environment. Taking a closer look at the areas of research and development in the field of nanotechnologies it is becoming obvious that one should focus on finding new ways in which novel nanoparticles and nanomaterials could be used in efforts to completely or at least partially remove pollutants from the environment. This thesis was written mainly by means of analysing and compiling both domestic and foreign scientific articles on said topics. In its conclusion the thesis lists both positive and negative aspects of using nanotechnologies for environmental protection and sanitation.
Nanotechnologie, ochrana životního prostředí, voda, CO2, půda, Nanotechnologies, environmental protection, water, CO2, soil