Business model pro zavedení značky Alexander McQueen
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Tato bakalářská práce se bude věnovat dílu Alexandera McQueena, historiia vývoji jeho značky. Zaměřuje se zejména na business plán a finanční plán. Cílem budezkoumání možnosti přímého vstupu na českých trh s luxusní zahraniční módou.
This bachelor paper will discuss the work of Alexander McQueen, the history anddevelopment of his brand. It will focuse on a business plan and a financial plan. The aim will then be to examine the possibility of direct entry into the Czech market with luxury foreign fashion.
This bachelor paper will discuss the work of Alexander McQueen, the history anddevelopment of his brand. It will focuse on a business plan and a financial plan. The aim will then be to examine the possibility of direct entry into the Czech market with luxury foreign fashion.
Klíčová slova: Alexander McQueen, luxusní móda, marketing, strategie, vstup natrh, český trh, Key words: Alexander McQueen, luxury fashion, marketing, strategy, marketstrategy, Czech market