Optické iluze ve šperku
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Moje práce nese název Optické iluze ve šperku.Bakalářská práce je rozdělena na část rešeršní a praktickou. V rešeršní části je psáno o optice a lidském oku, o optické iluzi, která poukazuje na druhy optických iluzí, a v neposlední řadě o historii, v níž se pojednává hlavně o uměleckých osobnostech. V konečné fázi této části je popsán 3D tisk.Praktická část se věnuje samotnému procesu vyhotovení šperků. Tato část obsahuje návrhy a kresby modelů ve 3D programu a závěrečnou realizaci s fotodokumentací.
My bachelor thesis is called Optical illusions in jewellery.Bachelor thesis is divided into part research and practical.In the research section is written about optics and human eye, about the optical illusion, which points to the kinds of optical illusions, and last but not least about the history, which deals mainly with artists. In the final stage of this section, 3D printing is described.The practical part is describing the actual process of making the jewels. This section contains designs and drawings of models in 3D program and final realization with photo documentation.
My bachelor thesis is called Optical illusions in jewellery.Bachelor thesis is divided into part research and practical.In the research section is written about optics and human eye, about the optical illusion, which points to the kinds of optical illusions, and last but not least about the history, which deals mainly with artists. In the final stage of this section, 3D printing is described.The practical part is describing the actual process of making the jewels. This section contains designs and drawings of models in 3D program and final realization with photo documentation.
Optické iluze, Optika, Op-art, 3D tisk, Plast, Šperky, Optical illusions, Optics, Op-art, 3D printing, Plastic, Jewellery