Znovupoznávání vlastní identity v rodném městě skrze umělecké vyjádření
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Tématem bakalářské práce je znovupoznávání rodné krajiny
především v Bakově nad Jizerou a v jeho přilehlém okolí
prostřednictvím uměleckého vyjádření. Práce je úzce spjata s
vlastními prožitky a vzpomínkami, autorka se snaží umělecky
uchopit rodné město i sebe sama, vrátit se k již jednou zažitému
prostoru. Skrze soubor drobných zásahů má práce za úkol dotýkat
se tohoto malého města, jeho periferií i blízké krajiny. Práce bere
na vědomí místní historii, známá místa, pracuje ale i se současnou
atmosférou vybrané lokality. Vytvořené výstupy zahrnují různé
formy uměleckého projevu (site specific, land art, performance),
od čehož se odvíjí i jejich trvání. Místo může po ukončení akce
zůstat nedotčené, nebo eventuelně ovlivněné, dokud se intervence
nerozpadne. V práci se autorka snaží město a krajinu (ve které
vzniklo a do které se autorka vrací), chápat jako živý rozrůstající,
či zanikající organismus, jehož existence a tvar jsou podmíněny
přítomností a činností člověka. Cílem práce je jemné ovlivnění
tohoto prostředí a nastínění jiného nahlížení na město a
jeho okolní krajinu. Tou najednou není jen procházeno a
zastavováno, ale skrze zásahy se autorka snaží upozornit na
jeho povahu, využívat prostor a skrze něj vybízet k dialogu.
The theme of the bachelor thesis is the rediscovery of the native landscape, especially in Bakov nad Jizerou and its surroundings through artistic expression. The work is closely connected with author´s own experiences and memories. She tries to grasp her hometown and herself artistically, to return to the space she has already experienced. Through a set of small interventions, the work is meant to touch this small town, its periphery and the nearby landscape. The work takes note of the local history, familiar places, but also works with the contemporary atmosphere of the chosen location. The created outcomes include different forms of artistic expression (site specific, land art, performance), which is the essence of their duration. The site may remain untouched or possibly affected after the event until the intervention disintegrates. In this work, the author tries to understand the city and the landscape (in which it was created and to which the author returns) as a living organism, growing or disappearing, whose existence and shape are conditioned by the presence and activity of humans. The aim of the work is to gently influence this environment and outline a different way of looking at the city and its surrounding landscape. Suddenly it is not just walked through and stopped by, but through interventions the artist tries to draw attention to its nature, to use the space and through it to invite dialogue.
The theme of the bachelor thesis is the rediscovery of the native landscape, especially in Bakov nad Jizerou and its surroundings through artistic expression. The work is closely connected with author´s own experiences and memories. She tries to grasp her hometown and herself artistically, to return to the space she has already experienced. Through a set of small interventions, the work is meant to touch this small town, its periphery and the nearby landscape. The work takes note of the local history, familiar places, but also works with the contemporary atmosphere of the chosen location. The created outcomes include different forms of artistic expression (site specific, land art, performance), which is the essence of their duration. The site may remain untouched or possibly affected after the event until the intervention disintegrates. In this work, the author tries to understand the city and the landscape (in which it was created and to which the author returns) as a living organism, growing or disappearing, whose existence and shape are conditioned by the presence and activity of humans. The aim of the work is to gently influence this environment and outline a different way of looking at the city and its surrounding landscape. Suddenly it is not just walked through and stopped by, but through interventions the artist tries to draw attention to its nature, to use the space and through it to invite dialogue.
město, dočasný, dotek, krajina, hranice, místo, trvání, pohyb, ovlivnění, vztah, akční umění, site specific, land art