Analýza činnosti sportovního klubu Box Klub Malec - Liberec, o.s.
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Cílem bakalářské práce je analyzovat činnost Sportovního klubu Box Klub Malec - Liberec, o.s. a následně navrhnout zlepšení pro jeho činnost.V první části jsou rozebrány základní údaje z oblasti managementu, marketingu a ekonomie sportovního klubu.Ve druhé části se zabývám charakteristikou daného sportovního klubu. Stručná historie, způsob současného fungování klubu a jeho rozpočet.Dále prostřednictvím anketních šetření a SWOT analýzy získávám subjektivní pohled na činnost klubu od jeho členů a též od prezidenta klubu.Na základě získaných informací poté navrhuji možnosti zlepšení nevyhovujících prostor, kde trénink probíhá, marketingové činnosti a finanční situace klubu.
The goal of this bachelor´s work is to analyse the activity of the Sports club BOX KLUB MALEC - LIBEREC, O.S. and subsequently give suggestions to improve its activity.In the first part basic management, marketing and economy data of the sports club are analysed. The second part deals with the characteristics of the sports club, its potted history, the way of its present operation and its budget.On the basis of the survey and SWOT analysis a subjective perspective on the club´s activity from its members as well as the president of the club is presented.Having obtained the information, suggestions to improve unsatisfactory interior as well as exterior where the training takes place, marketing and financial situation of the club are given.
The goal of this bachelor´s work is to analyse the activity of the Sports club BOX KLUB MALEC - LIBEREC, O.S. and subsequently give suggestions to improve its activity.In the first part basic management, marketing and economy data of the sports club are analysed. The second part deals with the characteristics of the sports club, its potted history, the way of its present operation and its budget.On the basis of the survey and SWOT analysis a subjective perspective on the club´s activity from its members as well as the president of the club is presented.Having obtained the information, suggestions to improve unsatisfactory interior as well as exterior where the training takes place, marketing and financial situation of the club are given.
sportovní klub, management sportovního klubu, marketing, analýza SWOT, the sports club, the management of the sports club, marketing, SWOT analysis