Corporate Social Responsibility as a Competitive Advantage for International Companies
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Cílem diplomové práce na téma Corporate Social Responsibility as a Competitive Advantage for International Companies je charakterizovat pojem společenské odpovědnosti. Následuje její analýza ve vybrané mezinárodní společnosti a porovnání s vybranou konkurencí. Důraz je kladen především na to, jak implementace CSR a její realizace ovlivňuje konkurenční výhodu společnosti v mezinárodním prostředí. Účelem této studie je vysvětlit, jaké faktory společenské odpovědnosti generují konkurenční výhodu a zvyšují obchodní výkonnost vybrané společnosti. Závěrečná část se skládá z vyhodnocení výsledků a navržení proveditelných zlepšení pro vybranou společnost.
The aim of the diploma thesis on the topic Corporate Social Responsibility as a Competitive Advantage for International Companies is to characterize the concept of social responsibility. That is followed by its analysis in a selected international company and comparison with a selected competitor. The focus is mainly on how the implementation of CSR and its realization is affecting the company´s competitive advantage in an international environment. The purpose if this study is to explain what kind of social responsibility factors that generates competitive advantage and increases business performance for the selected company. Final parts consist of the evaluation of the results and proposition of feasible improvements for the selected company.
The aim of the diploma thesis on the topic Corporate Social Responsibility as a Competitive Advantage for International Companies is to characterize the concept of social responsibility. That is followed by its analysis in a selected international company and comparison with a selected competitor. The focus is mainly on how the implementation of CSR and its realization is affecting the company´s competitive advantage in an international environment. The purpose if this study is to explain what kind of social responsibility factors that generates competitive advantage and increases business performance for the selected company. Final parts consist of the evaluation of the results and proposition of feasible improvements for the selected company.
Společenská odpovědnost, CSR, Festool, zákazníci, respondenti, Bosch, komunikace, konkurenční výhoda, obchodní výkonnost, Corporate social responsibility, CSR, Festool, customers, respondents, Bosch, communication, competitive advantage, business performance