Program pro rozvoj internetové gramotnosti seniorů
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Tato bakalářské práce se zabývá tématem rozvoje internetové gramotnosti seniorů. Obzvláště v době, kdy senioři stále více internet využívají, je nutné, aby pochopili, jak funguje a jaké nástrahy v sobě ukrývá. Zároveň stále více seniorů vlastní chytrý telefon a cítí potřebu se jej naučit ovládat. A právě tato dvě témata, která byla stanovena na základě předběžné analýzy, jsou hlavními body volnočasového programu pro seniory, který byl vytvořen v rámci této bakalářské práce. Předběžné analýzy se účastnili senioři z Centra sociálních služeb Jablonec nad Nisou, p.o., kde také následně proběhl i celý program s názvem Chytrý telefon v délce 8 lekcí. Každá lekce programu je určena dvěma nosnými tématy, která definují jejich náplň. V první části lekce se senioři učí ovládat své chytré telefony a v části druhé je kladen důraz na rozvoj a zvýšení kompetencí v oblasti internetové gramotnosti.
This bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of development of internet literacy among older adults. Especially at a time when older adults are using the internet more and more it is necessary for them to understand its use as well as hidden pitfalls. At the same time more and more older adults own smartphones and feel the need to learn to use them. That is why these two topics, which have been determined on the basis of a preliminary analysis, are the main points of a leisure-time programme for older adults, which was created within this bachelor's thesis. Older adults from the Welfare Services Centre in Jablonec nad Nisou, a state-funded institution, participated in the preliminary analysis. Subsequently, the whole programme titled Smartphone, in the length of 8 lessons, was carried out there. The lessons are described in the appendix of this thesis. Each lesson of the programme is formed by two topics which define its content. In the first part of the lesson older adults learn to use their smartphones and in the second part emphasis is put on the development and improvement of competences in the field of internet literacy.
This bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of development of internet literacy among older adults. Especially at a time when older adults are using the internet more and more it is necessary for them to understand its use as well as hidden pitfalls. At the same time more and more older adults own smartphones and feel the need to learn to use them. That is why these two topics, which have been determined on the basis of a preliminary analysis, are the main points of a leisure-time programme for older adults, which was created within this bachelor's thesis. Older adults from the Welfare Services Centre in Jablonec nad Nisou, a state-funded institution, participated in the preliminary analysis. Subsequently, the whole programme titled Smartphone, in the length of 8 lessons, was carried out there. The lessons are described in the appendix of this thesis. Each lesson of the programme is formed by two topics which define its content. In the first part of the lesson older adults learn to use their smartphones and in the second part emphasis is put on the development and improvement of competences in the field of internet literacy.
Senior, internet, internetová gramotnost, volnočasový program, bezpečné chování na internetu, chytrý telefon, digitální kompetence, Older adult, internet, internet literacy, leisure-time programme, safe behaviour on the internet, smartphone, digital competences