Úprava nanovláken z polyamidu
Title Alternative:Modification of polyamide nanofibers
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou nanášení anorganicko-organických vrstev metodou sol-gel na polyamidová nanovlákna, chemickou a mechanickou odolností po nanesení sol-gel vrstvy. Práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou a experimentální. V teoretické části jsou uvedeny obecné postupy přípravy a nanášení anorganicko-organických vrstev, jejich aplikace a použití v textilním průmyslu. V menším měřítku je věnována pozornost teorii polyamidových vláken a nanovláken. Všechny tyto poznatky byly získány z odborné literatury. Experimentální část je zaměřena na nanášení vrstev metodou sol-gel na nanovlákna z polyamidu 6. Nanesené vrstvy byly zkoumány na infračervené spektroskopii a elektronové mikroskopii. Dále byla sledována prodyšnost, smáčivost, tuhost v ohybu, oděr a chemická odolnost vrstvy po expozici kyselinou. V závěru je uvedeno zhodnocení celé práce a možnosti využití aplikace v textilním průmyslu.
This diploma work deals with the application of inorganic-organic films by the sol-gel to nylon nanofibers, mechanical and chemical resistance when applied to the sol- gel layer. The work is divided into theoretical and experimental sections. The theoretical part provides general procedures for the preparation and application of inorganic-organic layers, their applications and use in the textile industry. On a smaller scale, is devoted to the theory of polyamide fibers and nanofibers. All these findings were obtained from literature. The experimental part focuses on the application layer by the sol-gel, polyamide nanofibers 6th. Deposited layers were examined by the infrared spectroscopy and electron microscopy. There was also observed permeability, wettability, stiffness, bending strength, abrasion and chemical resistance of the layer after exposure to acid. There is a full evaluation of work and possibilities of applications in the textile industry in the conclusion.
This diploma work deals with the application of inorganic-organic films by the sol-gel to nylon nanofibers, mechanical and chemical resistance when applied to the sol- gel layer. The work is divided into theoretical and experimental sections. The theoretical part provides general procedures for the preparation and application of inorganic-organic layers, their applications and use in the textile industry. On a smaller scale, is devoted to the theory of polyamide fibers and nanofibers. All these findings were obtained from literature. The experimental part focuses on the application layer by the sol-gel, polyamide nanofibers 6th. Deposited layers were examined by the infrared spectroscopy and electron microscopy. There was also observed permeability, wettability, stiffness, bending strength, abrasion and chemical resistance of the layer after exposure to acid. There is a full evaluation of work and possibilities of applications in the textile industry in the conclusion.
katedra: KTC; přílohy: 1xCD; rozsah: 73
sol-gel, anorganicko-organické vrstvy, polyamidová nanovlákna, chemická odolnost, prodyšnost, smáčivost, tuhost v ohybu, oděr, kontaktní úhel, sol-gel, inorganic-organic layers, polyamid nanofibers, chemical resistance, permeability, wettability, bending strength, abrasion, contact angle