Moderní trendy v řízení podniku
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Předmětem této bakalářské práce Moderní trendy v řízení podniku je rozbor moderních trendů, které jsou využívány konkrétním podnikem. Cílem práce je seznámit a vysvětlit pojmy management a moderní trendy. V první kapitole se autor zaměřuje na definici, historii a vývoj managementu, poté se věnuje moderním trendům a jejich jednotlivým nástrojům. Ve druhé kapitole se autor práce zaměřuje na charakteristiku a analýzu současného stavu konkrétní společnosti a rozboru jednotlivých moderních trendů, které podnik využívá. Jako konkrétní podnik si autor zvolil firmu V-GARDEN s.r.o.
The subject of this bachelor thesis is Modern trends in business management. It is an analysis of modern trends that are used by a particular enterprise. The aim of the thesis is to introduce and explain the terms management and modern trends. In the first chapter the author focuses on the definition, history and development of management, then discusses modern trends and their different tools. In the second chapter the author focuses on characterizing and analyzing the current state of a particular company and analyzing the various modern trends used by the company. The author has chosen the company V-GARDEN s.r.o. as a specific company.
The subject of this bachelor thesis is Modern trends in business management. It is an analysis of modern trends that are used by a particular enterprise. The aim of the thesis is to introduce and explain the terms management and modern trends. In the first chapter the author focuses on the definition, history and development of management, then discusses modern trends and their different tools. In the second chapter the author focuses on characterizing and analyzing the current state of a particular company and analyzing the various modern trends used by the company. The author has chosen the company V-GARDEN s.r.o. as a specific company.
moderní trendy, personální trendy, management, benchmarking, technologie, internet věcí, lean management, moderntrends, personneltrends, management, benchmarking, technology, internet ofthings, lean management