Edukace pacienta s inhalační terapií
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou edukace pacientů s inhalační terapií. V teoretické části popisuje inhalační léčbu a její historii, jednotlivé druhy inhalačních systémů, chyby při inhalaci a ošetřovatelskou péči u pacientů s inhalační terapií. Dále je teoretická část věnována samotné edukaci, která je nedílnou součástí komplexní péče o pacienty, kteří užívají inhalační léčbu. Cílem výzkumné části bylo zjistit, úroveň teoretických znalostí u pacientů s inhalační terapií a úroveň praktických dovedností pacientů v inhalační technice. Dále zjišťuje, jaká forma edukace byla u pacientů s inhalační terapií použita. Výsledky výzkumného šetření byly použity pro vytvoření edukačního standartu pro všeobecné sestry.
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of patient education for patients treated by inhalation therapy. Its theoretical part describes inhalation therapy and its history, individual types of inhalation systems, frequent inhaler errors and nursing care in patients treated by inhalation therapy. The theoretical part also covers patient education itself, which is an integral part of the complex care for patients treated by inhalation therapy. The aim of the research part was to find out what is the level of theoretical knowledge in patients treated by inhalation therapy and what is the level of their practical skills in inhaler technique. It also surveys which form of patient education has been used in patients treated by inhalation therapy. The results of the research have been used to create a patient education standard for general nurses.
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of patient education for patients treated by inhalation therapy. Its theoretical part describes inhalation therapy and its history, individual types of inhalation systems, frequent inhaler errors and nursing care in patients treated by inhalation therapy. The theoretical part also covers patient education itself, which is an integral part of the complex care for patients treated by inhalation therapy. The aim of the research part was to find out what is the level of theoretical knowledge in patients treated by inhalation therapy and what is the level of their practical skills in inhaler technique. It also surveys which form of patient education has been used in patients treated by inhalation therapy. The results of the research have been used to create a patient education standard for general nurses.
Inhalační terapie, inhalační systémy, edukace, pacient, Inhalation therapy, inhalation systems, patient, education