Efektivní design Gitlab runnerů pro softwarový vývoj v prostředí AWS
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V této práci je teoreticky vysvětlena metodiky DevOps a nástroj CI/CD sloužící k praktické implementaci DevOps v softwarovém vývoji. V praktické části dochází k měření služeb dostupných CI/CD nástrojů u poskytovatelů AWS a Gitlab. Měřené metriky obsahují zatížení RAM, CPU, dobu odbavení a dobu zpoždění Jobů. Dále je zde provedena analýza efektivity CI/CD systému anonymní softwarové firmy a také obecný návod pro design CI/CD systémů v Cloudovém prostředí.
In this thesis there is a theoretically explained the methodology DevOps and the tool CI/CD which helps to implement DevOps practically in a software development. The practical part involves a series of measuring the services of selected CI/CD tools provided by AWS and Gitlab. Measured metrics consist of usage of RAM, CPU, duration of completion and queue of Jobs. There is also a analysis of effectivity of a CI/CD in an anonymous software company and a general guide for designing CI/CD systems in a cloud environment.
In this thesis there is a theoretically explained the methodology DevOps and the tool CI/CD which helps to implement DevOps practically in a software development. The practical part involves a series of measuring the services of selected CI/CD tools provided by AWS and Gitlab. Measured metrics consist of usage of RAM, CPU, duration of completion and queue of Jobs. There is also a analysis of effectivity of a CI/CD in an anonymous software company and a general guide for designing CI/CD systems in a cloud environment.
DevOps, CodeBuild, AWS, Gitlab, CI/CD, Cloud