Buffering and antibacterial properties of cotton canvas with dolomite/ZnO-styrene-acrylic complex coating and their comparison with properties after the accelerated aging

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University of Ljubljana
In this study, we report evaluation of buff ering and self-sterilizing coating complex obtained by dolomite and zinc oxide particles incorporation into styrene–acrylic layer applied to cotton fabric. Surface properties of the coating were evaluated by SEM, EDS and 3D optical microscopy. Antimicrobial properties were determined using a mixture of G+ and G- bacteria (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Streptococcus mutans) that was in dynamic contact with canvases for 4-100 hours. Alkalizing - buff er capacity of the surface layer supplied to the system by dolomite was tested by the addition of acetic acid. All these properties were simultaneously tested on the same canvases that have been previously exposed to the so-called hot (105 °C) and wet aging (80 °C, 65% relative humidity). The aging was provided in the climatic test room for 144 hours and the properties of canvases before and after aging were compared and evaluated.
V študiji je podana ocena puferskega in samosterilizajočega učinka stirenakrilnega kompleksnega premaza z dodatkom delcev dolomita in cinkovega oksida na bombažni tkanini. Površinske lastnosti premaza so bile ovrednotene s SEM, EDS in 3D optično mikroskopijo. Protimikrobne lastnosti so bile določene z uporabo mešanice gram pozitivnih in gram negativnih bakterij (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis in Streptococcus mutans), ki so bile v dinamičnem stiku s tkanino od 4 do 100 ur. Bazično-pufersko zmogljivost premaza, ki so jo ustvarili z dodatkom delcev dolomita, so testirali z dodatkom ocetne kisline. Vse omenjene lastnosti so bile sočasno preizkušene na vzorcih tkanine, ki so bili pred tem izpostavljeni t. i. vročemu (pri 105 °C) in mokremu staranju (pri 80 °C, 65-odstotni relativni vlažnosti). Staranje je trajalo 144 ur v klimatiziranem prostoru. Lastnosti vzorcev so bile ovrednotene in primerjane pred staranjem in po njem.
Acrylic coating, Antibacterial, Bicarbonate buffer, Dolomite, Zinc oxide