Comparison of the Effectiveness of Various Structures of Regulators for Controlling an Object of the Sixth Order

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Object control requires the calculation of a regulator. One of the most effective methods for calculating the regulator is the method of numerical optimization of the regulator. This paper discusses the solution of the problem of controlling a linear object of the sixth order, the parameters of which are such that this high order significantly and negatively affects the possibilities of successfully managing this object. Using the traditional approach to the design problem of the controller (regulator) allows us to formally solve the problem; however, the result of this solution is not satisfactory. The use of additional derivation does not give any noticeable improvement. A solution to this problem is proposed by using pseudo-local feedback, moreover, this connection is supposedly most effective if it covers one of two identical links in the object model. This allows for a smoother attenuation of the frequency response of the object in the region where the action of these two links begins to affect. For pseudo-local communication, an additional PID controller is used, the coefficients of which are also determined by the method of numerical optimization. The optimization result allows us to conclude that the presence of an integral element in this controller is optional. The calculation result of such a composite controller meets the most stringent requirements for the quality of control, since in such a system the speed is increased at least twice, the oscillations, which were about 10% in amplitude, are completely eliminated, the robustness of the system is ensured, which is verified by changing all the controller coefficients by 5% up and down, and also by changing the time constant of the element of the pseudolocal loop by 10% up and down, changes in the transition process of the system in this case remain are acceptable.
accuracy, automation, control, feedback, mathematical modeling, numerical optimization