Browsing by Author "Strýčková, Lenka"
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- ItemAnalýza kapitálové struktury a vybraných zdrojů financování podniků v České republice(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2013-01-01) Hurtíková, Michaela; Strýčková, LenkaTato diplomová práce Analýza kapitálové struktury a vybraných zdrojů financování podniků v České republice pojednává o kapitálové struktuře podniku, o možnostech analýzy kapitálové struktury a o teoriích zabývajícími se optimální kapitálovou strukturou. V praktické části aplikuji teoretické poznatky a analyzuji kapitálové struktury podniků ve vybraných odvětvích pomocí absolutních i relativních ukazatelů. Cílem diplomové práce je identifikovat a analyzovat vývoj kapitálové struktury a vybraných zdrojů financování podniků v České republice.
- ItemAnalýza využívání jednotlivých zdrojů financování podniky v České republice(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2013-01-01) Profousová, Hana; Strýčková, LenkaPředmětem diplomové práce s názvem ''Analýza využívání jednotlivých zdrojů financování podniky v České republice'' je zhodnotit využívání konkrétních finančních zdrojů podniky podle vybraných předmětů činnosti (stavebnictví, doprava, zemědělství, pohostinství a ubytování), právní formy podnikání, doby existence podniku, počtu zaměstnanců a výše ročních tržeb. Teoretická část se zabývá vymezením pojmu financování, optimální kapitálovou strukturou, finančním plánováním a popisem jednotlivých krátkodobých a dlouhodobých alternativ financování podniku. Praktická část je postavena na analýze získaných informací o využívání zdrojů financování podniky včetně důvodů jejich užití zjištěných pomocí dotazníkového šetření.
- ItemBezhotovostní platební instrumenty a jejich využití v podnikové praxi(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Kučera, Jakub; Strýčková, LenkaThe main topic of diploma thesis is the analysis of the cashless payment instruments and their application in business practice. The goal of this work is to analyze, compare and find suitable cashless payment instruments from the perspective of a business company performing its business activities. The theoretical part deals with the payment system, the systems of communication among banks and characteristic of selected cashless payment instruments, their process, requirements, advantages and disadvantages. The empirical part covers case studies which compare selected payment instruments on the basis of their economic benefits for the company.
- ItemDebt policy of companies in Czech republic(Centre of Sociological Research, 2019-01-01) Strýčková, LenkaThe attitude of companies towards the use of debt depends on many factors that can be generally called corporate debt policy. This paper deals with the debt policy of companies in Czech Republic, focusing on the factors affecting the appropriate amount of debt and their debt policy in general. The aim of this contribution is to reveal the dominant factors affecting companies in their debt policy decisions and to analyse the possible impact of the selected classifying factors on the firms’ responses. The findings of this article are based on the data from the questionnaire survey conducted in 2016 and the subsequent statistical analysis of the responses. The most important factors affecting appropriate amount of debt proved to be financial flexibility and volatility of earnings and cash flows. For deciding on debt policy, the most important factor was insufficiency of internal funds. Statistical analysis revealed several differences in response to debt-policy questions according to the legal form of business, the industrial sector, the company size, and the origin of capital.
- ItemFactors determining the corporate capital structure in the Czech Republic from the respective of business entities(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2015-06-03) Strýčková, Lenka; Ekonomická fakultaThe specific corporate capital structure is fundamentally a complex process dependent on a large variety of determinants; and the chosen fi nancial strategy therefore depends on the particular decisions of individual firms. The aim of this contribution is to capture the most important determinants of the corporate capital structure from the perspective of entrepreneurs on the basis of an empirical inquiry. Although the number of respondents was limited, inquiry results still can be considered as relevant to formulate conclusions for small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the manufacturing and processing sectors with the legal form of the limited liability company. To identify the most important factors affecting corporate decisions concerning the sources of financing, the statistical methods and procedures were used for the research evaluation. With the help of factor analysis, the three key external factors, brought in by the entrepreneurs, were derived: the economic and political development of the country, the market environment of the country, and the levels of tax and interest rates. The effect of internal factors determining the corporate capital structure was perceived by respondents as more important. The inquiry revealed that the most important internal factors were supposed to be: the corporate philosophy, the cost of the capital, and the fi nancial health and indebtedness of a business. The answer to the essential question of this article, whether the fi nal capital structure of a company is the result of its own decision-making, or rather a result of various external factors, thus tends rather to the predominance of the internal factors.
- ItemFinanční analýza společnosti BRAMMER CZECH, a. s.(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Kopecká, Michaela; Strýčková, LenkaThe main aim of the thesis is to evaluate a financial situation of the company Brammer Czech a. s. in years 2009 ? 2011 by a financial analysis. The thesis consists of three parts. In the first part there is a description of the main substance of a financial analysis, it´s users and source of information which is needed for computations. In the next part there is a detailed description of methods of a financial analysis including a classification of indicators. Basic information about the company Brammer Czech a. s., it´s history, the main activity and an overview of it´s products are mentioned in the third part. In the last part there is a computation of a financial analysis based on data which are gained from accounting bills from years 2009 ? 2011 and there is an evaluation of detected results. In conclusion of the thesis the summary of previous knowledge is made and possible arrangements and solution are proposed.
- ItemIs there a space for an innovative approach to sources of business financing in the Czech Republic?(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2013-08-01) Strýčková, Lenka; Hojná, Radana; Ekonomická fakultaInnovation is supposed to be something new, original, or improved that generates value. No matter if it is a product, service, or a process, it can be just innovative thinking. Innovative thinking may help businesses to increase profit, together with efficiency, quality, or human experience. Innovation may be radical or gradual, and can happen in any department of an enterprise. The aim of this paper is to find a possible space for innovative approach to sources of business financing in the Czech Republic. Could the use of innovative source of financing bring additional profit for the company? Would be the innovative approach to the corporate capital structure more profitable? The article analyses selected sources of financing from the two perspectives: first perspective is the examination of various sources of financing as of products suitable for innovation, and the second perspective includes exploring of possible changes in the corporate capital structure with increased or a reduced utilization of the particular source of financing, which would represent an innovative approach of companies to financing. The article focuses on selected traditional (bank loans and borrowings, leasing) and innovative sources of financing (share and bond issues, factoring, export financing). Findings of this paper indicate substantial potential for innovations of capital structure of Czech companies, which rely primarily on own sources of financing (owner’s equity, profit and reserve funds), and among external sources prevail bank loans and other long-term liabilities. An increased use of the capital markets for financing, while it is more expensive for companies, may bring significant benefits for the companies and the whole economy as well in the long term.
- ItemKomparace bankovních produktů pro korporátní klientelu(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2016-01-01) Zimová, Eva; Strýčková, LenkaBakalářská práce na téma Komparace bankovních produktů pro korporátní klientelu se zabývá porovnáním depozitních a úvěrových produktů pro firemní klientelu. První část práce je zaměřena na stručný popis obchodního bankovnictví včetně obchodní banky, bankovního systému a bankovních produktů. Součástí práce je vymezení pojmů korporátního a retailového bankovnictví. Následuje i stručná charakteristika vybraných bankovních institucí a jejich nabídky běžných, spořicích a termínovaných účtů, kontokorentních a investičních úvěrů. Srovnání parametrů jednotlivých bankovních produktů bylo provedeno na základě dat získaných z webových stránek a sazebníků těchto bank: Česká spořitelna, a. s, ČSOB, a. s., Komerční banka, a. s., Raiffeisenbanka, a. s. a Fio banka a. s. Na závěr je provedena případová studie, jejímž cílem je porovnat nabídky parametrů pro modelový podnik u jednotlivých produktů vybraných bank z hlediska výše nákladů.
- ItemMožnosti financování pořízení osobních železničních vozidel(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2011-01-01) Jemelka, Miroslav; Strýčková, LenkaThe main topic of this diploma thesis is to examine the available possibilities of how to ensure financing of purchase of new railway vehicles for company VIAMONT Regio a.s. This company has been operating railway transport within the framework of public service obligation as a private carrier and in order to increase the quality of travelling, the company's long-term strategic decision is to purchase new passenger railway vehicles. For these purposes there have been proposed railway vehicles financing options that were mutually compared and the most advantageous option for carrier VIAMONT Regio a.s. was selected on the basis of this comparison. A similar comparison took place among financial leasing, long-term bank credit and export financing. Export buyer credit has been selected as the most advantageous option, as it showed the lowest total costs from the point of view of net overall expenses related to financing in relation to the present day. In the conclusion, export buyer credit is also recommended to VIAMONT Regio a.s. for financing of a specific transaction whose first part should take place as soon as in the course of 2011.
- ItemNáklady na bankovní služby v České republice(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2011-01-01) Vávrová, Petra; Strýčková, LenkaThe topic of my diploma work is Bank service costs in the Czech Republic and it is focused on the charge politics of banks in the Czech Republic that is lately a subject matter of many discussions between both layman and expert public. It evaluates the situation of bank charges on the Czech bank market from the point of view of bank clients, experts and banks alone and compares it to conditions in the world. There was made a management analysis without charge and commission yields in three biggest banks in the Czech Republic. One part of this work is a brief characteristic of selected banks and their current accounts and subsequently there were compared the costs connected with a current account for a physical person. Collected data with reference to a charge amount are illustrated in relevant tables.
- ItemPerception and Identification of the General Public with Sustainable Finance Issues(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Strýčková, Lenka; Ekonomická fakultaThe perception and identification of the general public regarding sustainable finance issues have become a crucial consideration in implementing sustainable financial policies. Sustainable finance addresses contemporary global financial challenges by harmonising economic, social, and environmental (ESG) interests. This paper reviews various perspectives on sustainable finance, focusing on its importance for the general public. The paper aims to examine the perceptions and identification of the general public regarding sustainable finance issues. The empirical investigation is based on the questionnaire survey and its statistical evaluation. The research results indicate that the significance of carbon footprint as a metric for gauging environmental sustainability is relatively moderate by the general public. The respondents indicated the following financial products as the most environmentally unfriendly: debit cards, electronic banking on PC, and investment funds. As financial products with the lowest emissions and environmental impact, the respondents stated: smart-banking apps in the mobile phone, current accounts, and banking identity. At the same time, the general public is not very familiar with specified concepts related to sustainable finance (open banking, impact investing), and the differences between generations are insignificant. The paper uses a questionnaire survey on the Google Forms platform. The questionnaire included multiple-choice questions, Likert scale items, and participant demographic data.
- ItemPerspektivy stavebního spoření v České republice a vybraných státech Evropské unie(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Bajerová, Petra; Strýčková, LenkaThis diploma thesis is focused on the perspectives of building savings in the Czech Republic and selected states of the European Union. For the purpose of thesis were chosen Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. In the theoretical part is first described history of building savings and after that there are basic concepts and principles on which the building savings is based. The practical part characterizes individual systems of building savings in surveyed countries. Furthermore, it shows a comparison of the current state of building savings in surveyed countries based on selected indicators. The result of this thesis is assignment, which best statutory requirements can state create for stimulation of this significant financial product and possibility of improvement positive experiences of statutory adjustments, which are realized in surveyed countries.
- ItemPotential of corporate financing through capital market in the Czech Republic(Technická univerzita v Liberci, Česká republika, 2012-01-01) Strýčková, LenkaKapitálový trh jako zdroj financování společností v České republice je hlavním tématem tohoto článku. Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou českého kapitálového trhu z pohledu podnikového financování a zkoumá příčiny nízkého zájmu firem působících v ČR o získávání dodatečných zdrojů financování prostřednictvím instrumentů kapitálového trhu, jako jsou akcie a dluhopisy. Článek popisuje současný stav českého kapitálového trhu a zabývá se významem kapitálového trhu pro ekonomiku země. Vlastní výzkum týkající kapitálové struktury firem se snaží postihnout trendy ve využívání vlastního kapitálu, akcií, obligací a bankovních úvěrů pro financování dle odvětvového členění. Výstupy tohoto článku indikují, že ani v blízké budoucnosti nelze očekávat výrazné změny v přístupu českých firem k financování podnikatelské činnosti prostřednictvím kapitálového trhu.
- ItemPřeshraniční působení zahraničních bank v České republice(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2011-01-01) Pikl, Robert; Strýčková, LenkaBank system in the Czech Republic. The most important subjects applied in Czech bank market. The Czech national bank, bank market control in the Czech Republic. Information on cross-border bank operation in the Czech Republic. Comparison of domestic and cross-border bank offers. Analysis of usage convenience of cross-border banks compared to Czech ones. Test cases and calculation with convenience comparison of cross-border bank vs. Czech one. Annual customer cost saving when using some services at cross-border bank. Payments within European Union without using bank service. Volksbank Löbau-Zittau eG and its services offered cross-bordered to Czech customers.
- ItemRelationship between Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors and Financial Performance in Central European Countries(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, ) Strýčková, Lenka; Brabec, Zdeněk; Matoušková, Michaela; Ekonomická fakultaMeasuring financial business performance is a key assumption for the responsible management of a company. Traditionally, financial measures were mainly used, but in recent years the importance of non-financial measures has increased pronouncedly. Currently, companies are encouraged to reflect on their business’s sustainability aspect. One way of measuring sustainability performance can be a company’s ESG score. This article aims to analyse the relationship between a traditional financial performance measure (return on sales) and a modern measure (ESG score) in Central European countries. The research sample consists of two groups. The first contains 74 companies from the Visegrad Group countries (V4), and the second consists of 214 companies from Germany and Austria. The relationship between those two measures was studied using the Spearman rank order correlation coefficient. Subsequently, the amount of the ESG score was analysed in both of the groups. The research findings indicate no or weak relationship between the ROS and ESG score. However, based on the Levene’s F-test, a statistically significant difference was also identified between the two country groups considering the amount of the ESG score.
- ItemZdroje financování podniku: potenciál a trendy(Technická Univerzita v Liberci,, 2014-01-01) Strýčková, Lenka