Velocity profiles of fluid flow close to a hydrophobic surface
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The results of research on viscous liquid flow upon a superhydrophobic surface are
presented in the paper. In the introduction, the degrees of surface hydrophobicity in correlation
with an adhesion coefficient are defined. The usage of the adhesion coefficient for the definition of
a new boundary condition is employed for expressing the slip of the liquid over the
superhydrophobic surface. The slip of the liquid was identified on a special experimental device.
The essence of the device consists of a tunnel of rectangular cross section whose one wall is
treated with a superhydrophobic layer. The other walls are made of transparent organic glass
whose surface is hydrophilic. Velocity profiles are measured by PIV. The methodology is drawn
so that it allows the speed determination at the closest point to the wall. The measurements were
performed for different Reynolds numbers for both laminar and turbulent flow. Based on the
measured velocity profiles, marginal terms of use have been verified, expressing slippage of the
liquid on the wall. New forms of velocity profiles considering superhydrophobic surfaces are
shown within the work.
ultrahydrophobic surface, measurment, adhesion coefficient estimation, methodic