Povolání sestra
Title Alternative:Occupation: Nurse
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Cílem bakalářské práce bylo analyzovat vývoj povolání sestry od vzniku po současnost. Dále se zaměřit na dnešní {\clq}qskupinu`` zdravotních sester a analyzovat jejich vztah k jejich povolání. V teoretické části je popsán historický vývoj ošetřovatelství až po současnou dobu. Ve výzkumné části zpracované na základě rozdaných dotazníků, jsem ověřovala předem stanovené hypotézy. Na základě vyhodnocení dat jsem došla k závěru, že se dnešní všeobecné setry více vzdělávají a došlo k pokroku oproti minulosti.
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the development of the occupation of nurse from the very beginning till today. It also focuses on the group of nurses and their relation to this occupation. This thesis is divided into two parts- theoretical part and the research. The theoretical part is interested in the historical development. The research is based on question-forms and in this part of my thesis I checked the set hypothesis. Thanks to this data we can see that nurses are nowadays more educated and there should be also seen the progress in comparison to the past.
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the development of the occupation of nurse from the very beginning till today. It also focuses on the group of nurses and their relation to this occupation. This thesis is divided into two parts- theoretical part and the research. The theoretical part is interested in the historical development. The research is based on question-forms and in this part of my thesis I checked the set hypothesis. Thanks to this data we can see that nurses are nowadays more educated and there should be also seen the progress in comparison to the past.
katedra: UZS; rozsah: 69 s
sesta, minulost, součastnost, nurse, history, present