Ošetřovatelská péče u pacienta s diabetes mellitus 2.typu se zaměřením na syndrom diabetické nohy
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Bakalářská práce se věnuje ošetřovatelské péči o pacienty se syndromem diabetické nohy a úrovni znalostí všeobecných sester o tomto tématu. Práce se skládá ze dvou částí: teoretické a výzkumné. V teoretické části je podrobně rozebrán syndrom diabetické nohy, jeho hlavní příznaky, patogeneze a rizikové faktory. Dále jsou rozebrány cíle ošetřovatelské péče u tohoto onemocnění a konkrétní ošetřovatelské intervence. Poslední kapitola teoretické části se zaměřuje na aspekty managementu syndromu diabetické nohy z pohledu ošetřovatelství. Výzkumná část, provedená kvalitativní metodou formou dotazníkového šetření, zkoumá znalosti všeobecných sester o ošetřovatelské péči o pacienty se syndromem diabetické nohy.
Bachelor's thesis is devoted to the nursing care of patients with diabetic foot syndrome, as well as the level of knowledge of general nurses on this topic. The work consists of two parts: theoretical and research. In the theoretical part, the diabetic foot syndrome, its main signs, pathogenesis and risk factors are discussed in detail. Then the goals of nursing care in this disease and specific nursing interventions are analyzed. The last chapter of the theoretical part focuses on the aspects of diabetic foot syndrome management from a nursing perspective. The research part, carried out using a qualitative method in the form of a survey, explores general nurses' knowledge of nursing care for patients with diabetic foot syndrome.
Bachelor's thesis is devoted to the nursing care of patients with diabetic foot syndrome, as well as the level of knowledge of general nurses on this topic. The work consists of two parts: theoretical and research. In the theoretical part, the diabetic foot syndrome, its main signs, pathogenesis and risk factors are discussed in detail. Then the goals of nursing care in this disease and specific nursing interventions are analyzed. The last chapter of the theoretical part focuses on the aspects of diabetic foot syndrome management from a nursing perspective. The research part, carried out using a qualitative method in the form of a survey, explores general nurses' knowledge of nursing care for patients with diabetic foot syndrome.
Diabetes mellitus, syndrom diabetické nohy, ošetřovatelská péče