Hodnota zákazníka v podnikatelských subjektech cestovního ruchu
Title Alternative:Customer Value in Tourism Enterprises
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci,
Cestovní ruch se bezpochyby řadí k důležitým odvětvím ekonomiky. Předmětem této práce jsou cestovní kanceláře (CK) a agentury (CA), které zprostředkovávají cestovatelům nabídku nejrůznějších subjektů cestovního ruchu ve formě zájezdu. Konkurence mezi zprostředkovateli nabídky ovšem roste. Na trh vstupují i zahraniční společnosti a navíc je v dnešní době rozvoje informačních technologií stále více zákazníků schopno zorganizovat svoji dovolenou samostatně. Otázkou tedy zůstává, na co by se měly CK a CA při své činnosti zaměřit, aby uspokojily individuální přání a potřeby zákazníků a udržely se na trhu. Řešením může být právě hodnota zákazníka, kterou lze chápat jako hodnotu poskytovanou zákazníkům i jako hodnotu zákazníků pro podnik, přičemž tyto dva významy spolu úzce souvisí a nelze je oddělit. Disertační práce si proto klade za cíl navrhnout model hodnoty pro zákazníka reflektující specifika CK a CA a zejména identifikovat dimenze, které hodnotu pro zákazníka tvoří. Práce shrnuje dosavadní poznatky o hodnotě pro zákazníka, kvalitě služeb a spokojenosti zákazníka a rovněž tyto tři koncepty navzájem kriticky porovnává. Za účelem dosažení cíle práce bylo provedeno empirické šetření mezi zákazníky CK a CA. Data byla vyhodnocena prostřednictvím jednorozměrné i vícerozměrné statistické analýzy. V závěru práce je navržen model hodnoty pro zákazníka, v rámci kterého je samotná hodnota tvořena čtyřmi dimenzemi zjištěnými faktorovou analýzou, mezi které patří personál a služby, komunikace, proces prodeje, flexibilita a individuální přístup. Hodnota pro zákazníka představuje v modelu nezbytný předpoklad spokojenosti, resp. i loajality zákazníka. Kromě toho analýza dat identifikovala atributy, které představují slabé stránky CK/CA a na jejichž zlepšení by se v současné době měly podniky primárně zaměřit, neboť jenom tak si mohou zachovat přízeň zákazníků a zlepšovat svoji pozici na trhu.
There is no doubt that tourism is one of the most important industries for a country´s economy. This dissertation deals with travel agencies and tour operators that act as an intermediacy for tour offers of various tourism organizations. Nevertheless, the competition between these intermediators has become more intensive. Foreign businesses have entered the domestic market, too. Furthermore, more and more customers are able to organize their holiday by themselves in this time of rapid information technology development. Therefore, the emerging question is what the travel agencies and tour operators should focus on in their activities to satisfy the individual wishes and needs of their customers. The solution can be found in customer value, which can be understood as the value provided to the customers as well as the value of customers to a business. These two explanations are closely related, and it is not possible to separate one from the other. Hence, the objective of the dissertation is to propose a model of customer value that reflects the particularities of travel agencies and tour operators, and to specifically identify the dimensions that create customer value. The thesis summarizes the existing knowledge about customer value, service quality and customer satisfaction, and draws a critical comparison between these three constructs. In order to achieve the objective of the thesis, empirical research among the customers of travel agencies and tour operators was conducted. The data was evaluated by a univariate and multivariate statistical analysis. The model of customer value is proposed in the conclusion of the dissertation. In this model, the value itself, defined by factor analysis, consists of four dimensions - personnel and service, communication, sales process, flexibility and individual approach. In the model, the customer value forms an essential condition for customer satisfaction as well as for customer loyalty. Apart from this finding, the analysis discovered attributes which represent the weaknesses of the travel agencies and tour operators and, above all, need to be improved since this is the only way to retain customer loyalty and to improve market position.
There is no doubt that tourism is one of the most important industries for a country´s economy. This dissertation deals with travel agencies and tour operators that act as an intermediacy for tour offers of various tourism organizations. Nevertheless, the competition between these intermediators has become more intensive. Foreign businesses have entered the domestic market, too. Furthermore, more and more customers are able to organize their holiday by themselves in this time of rapid information technology development. Therefore, the emerging question is what the travel agencies and tour operators should focus on in their activities to satisfy the individual wishes and needs of their customers. The solution can be found in customer value, which can be understood as the value provided to the customers as well as the value of customers to a business. These two explanations are closely related, and it is not possible to separate one from the other. Hence, the objective of the dissertation is to propose a model of customer value that reflects the particularities of travel agencies and tour operators, and to specifically identify the dimensions that create customer value. The thesis summarizes the existing knowledge about customer value, service quality and customer satisfaction, and draws a critical comparison between these three constructs. In order to achieve the objective of the thesis, empirical research among the customers of travel agencies and tour operators was conducted. The data was evaluated by a univariate and multivariate statistical analysis. The model of customer value is proposed in the conclusion of the dissertation. In this model, the value itself, defined by factor analysis, consists of four dimensions - personnel and service, communication, sales process, flexibility and individual approach. In the model, the customer value forms an essential condition for customer satisfaction as well as for customer loyalty. Apart from this finding, the analysis discovered attributes which represent the weaknesses of the travel agencies and tour operators and, above all, need to be improved since this is the only way to retain customer loyalty and to improve market position.
katedra: KPE; rozsah: 188 s. (278 000 znaků)
hodnota zákazníka, spokojenost zákazníka, kvalita služeb, cestovní ruch, cestovní kancelář, cestovní agentura, faktorová analýza, customer value, customer satisfaction, service quality, tourism, travel agency, tour operator, factor analysis