Tepelná absorpce a jiné parametry tepelného komfortu žebrových pletenin
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Cílem této práce je zjistit vliv různých profilů funkčních žebrových pletenin na jejich tepelné vlastnosti jako je tepelná vodivost, tepelná absorpce a tepelný odpor. Práce zahrnuje představení nového modelu pro extrapolaci tepelné absorpce vzhledem k rozdílu v oblasti interakce mezi lidskou kůží a žebrovou pleteninou. Tepelná absorpce je indikátorem pocitu tepla a chladu. Vzorky byly vyrobeny z polyesterové příze. Studie potvrzuje, že změna profilu povrchu žebrové pleteniny má podstatný vliv na její tepelné vlastnosti. Na základě této skutečnosti byl poprvé uveden nový termín tepelná kontaktní absorpce. Tepelná kontaktní absorpce představuje modifikaci tepelné absorpce vzhledem ke kontaktním bodům mezi dvěma povrchy. Stejně tak nově vyvinutý model je v souladu s naměřenými hodnotami. V další části práce je ověřeno, že oblast s vyšší interakcí mezi lidskou kůží a žebrovou pleteninou zvyšuje hodnoty tepelné absorpce. To je převážně způsobeno nárůstem kontaktních míst, která poskytují větší plochu pro přenos tepla kondukcí. Stejně důležité bylo také změřit hodnoty tepelného odporu a tepelné vodivosti. Byla zjištěna korelace mezi tepelným odporem, tepelnou vodivostí a kontaktní plochou. Bylo zjištěno, že existuje významná ekvivalence mezi tepelnými parametry a profilem povrchu. Třicet respondentů dále provedlo subjektivní analýzu pro potvrzení hodnot z objektivního měření. Rovněž byl změřen vliv paralelního a svislého směru na propustnost vodních par. Bylo zjištěno, že směr má významný vliv na propustnost vzduchu a vody. Studie dospěla k závěru, že funkční žebrové pleteniny vyrobené z polyesteru mají u různého profilu povrchu různou tepelnou absorpci. Více kontaktních bodů mezi lidskou kůží a žebrovou pleteninou způsobuje chladivý účinek. To vše bylo studováno na funkčních žebrových pleteninách, které byly vyrobeny na plochém pletacím stroji.
The objective of this study is to find out the impact of functional knitted ribs on the thermal properties of fabric such as thermal conductivity, thermal absorptivity and thermal resistance by changing the profile of knitted ribs. Introducing the new model for the extrapolation of thermal absorptivity due to variation in interaction area between human skin and knitted rib fabric. Thermal absorptivity is an indicator of warm-cool feeling. Samples were produced using polyester yarn. Study endorses that variation in surface profile has a substantial impact on thermal parameters. Based on this discussion a new term thermal contact absorptivity was coined and introduced first time. Thermal contact absorptivity indicates modification in thermal absorptivity due to contact points between two surfaces. Likewise, model developed using a novel approach, has an extensive agreement with measured values. Going-over further, verifies that higher interaction area between human skin and knitted rib escalates the thermal absorptivity values. It is predominantly due to the increase in contact points, which provides more area for heat transfer through conduction. Equally important, thermal resistance and thermal conductivity values were also measured and a correlation was developed between thermal resistance, thermal conductivity and contact area. It was found that there is a significant equivalence between thermal parameters and surface profile. Subjective analysis was also conducted by involving a group of 30 people for the confirmation of objective values. Impact of parallel and vertical direction on water vapour permeability was also measured and found that there is a significant impact of direction on air and water permeability. Study concludes that knitted rib made using polyester having discriminated surface profile provides a different thermal absorptivity. Higher contact points between human skin and knitted rib fabric gives cool effect which were investigated on functional ribs which were produced on flat knitting machine.
The objective of this study is to find out the impact of functional knitted ribs on the thermal properties of fabric such as thermal conductivity, thermal absorptivity and thermal resistance by changing the profile of knitted ribs. Introducing the new model for the extrapolation of thermal absorptivity due to variation in interaction area between human skin and knitted rib fabric. Thermal absorptivity is an indicator of warm-cool feeling. Samples were produced using polyester yarn. Study endorses that variation in surface profile has a substantial impact on thermal parameters. Based on this discussion a new term thermal contact absorptivity was coined and introduced first time. Thermal contact absorptivity indicates modification in thermal absorptivity due to contact points between two surfaces. Likewise, model developed using a novel approach, has an extensive agreement with measured values. Going-over further, verifies that higher interaction area between human skin and knitted rib escalates the thermal absorptivity values. It is predominantly due to the increase in contact points, which provides more area for heat transfer through conduction. Equally important, thermal resistance and thermal conductivity values were also measured and a correlation was developed between thermal resistance, thermal conductivity and contact area. It was found that there is a significant equivalence between thermal parameters and surface profile. Subjective analysis was also conducted by involving a group of 30 people for the confirmation of objective values. Impact of parallel and vertical direction on water vapour permeability was also measured and found that there is a significant impact of direction on air and water permeability. Study concludes that knitted rib made using polyester having discriminated surface profile provides a different thermal absorptivity. Higher contact points between human skin and knitted rib fabric gives cool effect which were investigated on functional ribs which were produced on flat knitting machine.
funkční žebrové pleteniny, tepelná vodivost, tepelná absorpce, tepelný odpor, kontaktní body, Functional knitted ribs, Thermal conductivity, Thermal absorptivity, Thermal resistance, contact points