Vývoj prototypu 3D tiskárny na fotopolymery
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Aditivní výroba je velice rychle se rozvíjející oblast inženýrství, která se postupně přestává používat výhradně pro prototypování. Historicky první 3D tiskárny stavěné na vytvrzování fotopolymerů dostaly nový impulz s rozvojem projekčních technologií. Možnost promítání celé tisknuté vrstvy najednou odstranila největší nevýhodu tiskáren tohoto typu, a to neskutečně dlouhou dobu tisku.Představená disertační práce se zabývá vývojem a stavbou 3D tiskárny na zpracování fotopolymerních materiálů, která kontroluje stav tisku v reálném čase. Tiskárna pracuje na principu technologie generování obrazu DLP projektorem. Ultrafialové záření ze zdroje světelné energie prochází DMD deskou a formuje obraz vrstvy tištěného modelu. Obraz se promítá na tenkou vrstvu fotopolymeru, která se působením UV záření polymerizuje. Platforma, na níž se vytváří model, se v každém kroku posouvá o jednu vrstvu modelu nahoru. Platforma je zavěšena na konzolu, která je poháněna servopohonem s krokovým motorem se zpětnou vazbou a kuličkovým šroubem. Mezi konzolou a platformou je zabudovaný tenzometrický siloměr, který neustále měří sílu vznikající při odlepování vytvrzené vrstvy modelu ode dna nádrže s fotopolymerem. Při vzniku neodpovídajícího silového průběhu během tisku hlásí řídící systém chybu a přerušuje tisk. Tím se snižují časové a materiálové náklady na tisk.Tiskárna, postavená v rámci této práce, se používá pro tisk keramických a kompozitních materiálů na základě fotopolymerů. Je zapojena do výzkumných projektů zabývajících se tiskem ze skla, kovu a keramiky. Na tiskárně probíhají testy metod a způsobů tisku různorodých fotopolymerních materiálů.
Additive manufacturing is a rapidly developing engineering brunch that has been becoming more and more popular beyond the prototyping. Historically first 3D printers designed for photopolymer solidifying have received new impulse with the development of projection technologies. The possibility of the projection of the whole printed layer eliminated the main disadvantage of the 3D printers of this kind, namely the enormously long printing time.This thesis deals with the design and construction of a 3D printer for photopolymer materials processing with the real-time monitoring of a printing process. The printer operates on the principle of image generation using a DLP projector. Ultraviolet light goes from a source through digital micromirror device and forms the image of the layer of printed model. The image projected on the thin layer of photopolymer solidifies under the influence of ultraviolet light. A platform, which serves as a foundation for a formed model, moves at each step up for a distance equal to the thickness of one layer. The platform is fixed to a bracket, which is driven by a servo drive with step motor with feedback and a ball screw. A strain gauge fixed between the bracket and the platform constantly measures a force that appears during the unsticking of a solidified layer from the bottom of a tank with photopolymer. In the case of unpredictable values of unsticking force during printing, a fault detection system reports a fault and interrupts the printing process. The implemented system reduces time and material costs required for printing.The constructed 3D printer is used for the printing of photopolymer-based ceramics and composite materials. It is involved in research projects focused on the printing from glass, metal and ceramics. Moreover, it is used in testing of methods and approaches to the printing of various photopolymer materials.
Additive manufacturing is a rapidly developing engineering brunch that has been becoming more and more popular beyond the prototyping. Historically first 3D printers designed for photopolymer solidifying have received new impulse with the development of projection technologies. The possibility of the projection of the whole printed layer eliminated the main disadvantage of the 3D printers of this kind, namely the enormously long printing time.This thesis deals with the design and construction of a 3D printer for photopolymer materials processing with the real-time monitoring of a printing process. The printer operates on the principle of image generation using a DLP projector. Ultraviolet light goes from a source through digital micromirror device and forms the image of the layer of printed model. The image projected on the thin layer of photopolymer solidifies under the influence of ultraviolet light. A platform, which serves as a foundation for a formed model, moves at each step up for a distance equal to the thickness of one layer. The platform is fixed to a bracket, which is driven by a servo drive with step motor with feedback and a ball screw. A strain gauge fixed between the bracket and the platform constantly measures a force that appears during the unsticking of a solidified layer from the bottom of a tank with photopolymer. In the case of unpredictable values of unsticking force during printing, a fault detection system reports a fault and interrupts the printing process. The implemented system reduces time and material costs required for printing.The constructed 3D printer is used for the printing of photopolymer-based ceramics and composite materials. It is involved in research projects focused on the printing from glass, metal and ceramics. Moreover, it is used in testing of methods and approaches to the printing of various photopolymer materials.
3D tisk, DLP, SLA, detekce chyb, měření sil, fotopolymer, keramika, 3D printing, DLP, SLA, fault detection, force measurement, photopolymer, ceramic